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Arboretum Primary School

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Our Local Academy Committee

Arboretum school governors are volunteers who oversee how our school operates. This group is known as the Local Academy Committee. They are involved in decisions about all aspects of the school - such as maintaining the buildings, controlling the budgets, supporting staff and ensuring high standards of achievement for all the children in our school.


The governors also help to make big decisions about the school's long-term goals, They support the head teacher, but also ask questions and make sure that the head teacher is taking the school in the right direction.


At Arboretum the governors attend a governors meeting each half term. they also join one or two sub-committees - these cover different areas like the curriculum, finance or buildings.

If you are interested in becoming a governor of Arboretum School, and have qualifications and experience in Finance, Human Resources or Business Management, then please contact the school to discuss current opportunities.



Clerk to LAC - Mrs Pamela Miles



Chair of LAC - Mrs Suzanne Forster



Mrs Miles and Mrs Forster can both be contacted via the school.

Telephone: 01332 291140

Address: Arboretum Primary School, Corden Street, Derby DE23 8GP
