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Arboretum Primary School

Reach for the Stars

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Meet our Team

Apples - Hill Mrs Worrall 

Our incredible TAs Miss Payman, Mrs T, Miss Jayne



Apples Is a provision that caters for the needs of students with additional needs, autism and associated communication and language difficulties.  Apples mostly caters for children from reception age to year 3. Children within Apples are working at the engagement model and have high levels of communication and personal needs. Children within Apples has a bespoke provision which provides children with the opportunities to develop life skills, promote communication and make independent choices. The children within Apples follow a “child led” approach which is informed by our in-depth knowledge of our children, their individual targets stated within their EHCPs and the Early Years curriculum. We provide a curriculum with a broad range of experiences and opportunities which encourage independence, regulation, social interaction and communication. Children have access to outdoor provision, sensory experiences and a range of interventions such as Attention Autism, Sensology, Active Hands, Sensory choose, PECS and speech and language interventions. It is staffed by a team of experienced teachers and teaching assistants. Students have access to bespoke provision which supports different areas of need and access the National curriculum at different levels. They receive varied levels of support and teaching to understand and regulate their emotions, and to develop their communication and interaction. To access this provision students must have an EHCP provided by a Local Authority or must be in the process of receiving an EHCP.


‘The Arboretum Promise’ sits alongside our curriculum in order to enhance, develop and deepen our children’s world understanding as well as develop into responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society. All children within the Orchard have access to:

  • Performances across the school
  • Assemblies and whole school events
  • Parent events including termly learning celebrations, craft afternoons and reading workshops
  • Current Affairs teaching our children about world and local events in an age-appropriate way
  • Traditions and Events including Armistice Day and Religious festivals 
  • Visits and Visitors where applicable and appropriate   