If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Two Year Old Nursery
We operate a 16 place Two Year Old Nursery with morning and afternoon sessions.
Give your 2 year old a flying start in life
Free Sessions: 8:30—11:30am or 12:30—3:30pm
To find out if you are eligible for a place call the Families Information Service on:
01332 642610 or 642609
The Nursery
We have a 30 place nursery for 3 and 4 year olds, set within the Early Years area of school. We can take up to 30 children for either the morning or afternoon session. There is a waiting list and places are allocated according to the admissions policy. Children’s names can be placed on the waiting list at any time.
Please note that a place in the nursery does not guarantee a place in the main school. An application will need to be made to join the main school.
The School
The school has a normal catchment area; if you live within this area the local authority will generally be able to offer you a place for your child. All applications to join our school need to be made through the local authority based at the Council House, Corporation Street, Derby.
The number of children we plan to have in school is 525 and the planned admission is 75 in each year.
As we are an Academy any appeals for school places will be sent directly to the school.
Please contact school office for an appeal form.