Our Vision and Values
Our Trust Vision and Values
- Providing children with excellent educational provision
- Rapidly improving underperforming schools
- Develop effective school-to-school support
- Build strong relationships and promote work with external partners
- Raise aspirations and tackle disadvantage so that no pupil is failed by their school
We want our children and young people to be able to ‘experience life in all its fullness’ (taken from John 10:10), irrespective of a faith perspective.
School Vision and Values
We are privileged to work in a community where we have a positive impact on children's lives and future every day. Our children are entitled to the best in education so they have the powerful knowledge and skills to compete at the highest level.
This will be achieved by:
- A well-sequenced, knowledge-rich curriculum with reading at the heart
- Planning that takes into account, research into cognitive science
- Extending and enriching their vocabulary across and beyond the curriculum
- Planning experiences that widen the children's knowledge base
- Our commitment to staff development
- Supporting our pupils to ‘Reach for the Stars’
Reach for the Stars
S - Supportive
T - Team Player
A - Aspirational
R - Resilient
S - Successful
Our school is:
- a safe, supportive stimulating learning environment
- a team of respectful, tolerant ,open minded citizens
- a community where everyone aspires to be the very best they can be
- a community of resilient life-long learners
- a centre of excellence where all achieve success