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Arboretum Primary School

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Newsletter 16th June 2023

Welcome to our newsletter! 

Whilst Class Dojo is still our main form of communication, a few of you have told me that you miss having the information altogether in one place.  We plan to update you every fortnight in this same way. Our newsletter will help us to share all the good news and exciting learning that has been happening in school.

Can you believe that this is only my seventh week in school? It feels like I have been here much, much longer.  I feel very fortunate to have met many of you in person and would like to thank you all for giving me the warmest welcome to your school.  I am loving every single day! The team and I have many exciting plans to make this wonderful school even better.  We look forward to building in more opportunities for you to share in your child’s learning, giving them even wider experiences and further developing their personal development.

Did you know we also have a Twitter and Instagram page now?  Follow us @ArboPrimary

Mrs Phillips


Wider opportunities

This term our children have had the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the classroom. 

Reception have visited Bluebells Farm to explore the natural world around them and discover more about animals

Year 1 and 2 have visited Beaumanor Hall to learn more about wildlife, including ponds, bees and plants

Year 3 and 4 have visited Derby Museum to learn more about Joseph Wright, his paintings and his life in Derby.

Year 5 and 6 have visited Pickford House to  explore fashion from the 1960s

Pears group have visited the National Adventure Farm to learn about where food comes from and different habitats



We are very pleased to share that we have been awarded platinum status in our recent assessment. This is the highest award we could receive and makes us the first school in Derby to do so!

We are very proud ! We would like to thank Mrs Ferguson and the play leaders for all of their hard work.  We know what a difference it makes to our children and are committed to maintaining this high standard.  LOOK out for new dates for our ‘Stay and Play’ coming soon……. Come join the fun!


Our ‘Stars of the Week’

2 Year Olds - Tatheer & Uzair

Nursery - Nicola & Amal

Class 1 - Khadeeja

Class 2 - Hafsa

Class 3 - Azaan

Class 4 - James

Class 5 - M. Safar

Class 6 - M. Huzaifa Ibrahim

Class 7 - Zimal

Class 8 - Amaira

Class 9 - Akshayah

Class 10 - Nehan

Class 11 - Callum

Class 12 - Rubab

Class 13 - Hawwa

Class 14 - Qudsia

Class 15 - Gabriel

Class 16 - Ethan

Class 17 - Mahnoor

Class 18 - Zeenat

Apples - Simon

Pears - Zaiydan



We are very excited that work will start on our new classroom next week.  Please make sure that you and your children keep clear of the builders’ compound on the field.



Monday 26th June        Inset Day - school closed to children

Friday 30th June              Eid picnic

Friday 30th June            Year 6 Leavers’ Party

4th, 5th, 6th July              Year 6 children visit new schools

Tuesday 11th July          Parents’ Meetings

Wednesday 12th July   Parents’ Meetings        

Friday 14th July                Sculpture Competition closing date

Thursday 20th July          Last day of school for children

Friday 21st July              School Holidays start!


Nursery Places

We are currently have spaces in our 3 year old nursery for this September, for children with birthdays between 1/9/19 and 31/8/20. If you know of a child who would like a place, please pop into the school office, or call on 01332 291140 option 0.


Attendance Reporting

It is important that your child attends school everyday.  If they are too unwell to come to school, please make sure you tell the attendance team the reason for their absence by 9:00am - if we haven’t heard from you, we will send a text message to remind you.  To let us know, please either:

Telephone the attendance line on 01332 291140 option 1 (leave a message if it is not answered) or


You may also send a ClassDojo message to their teacher, but this will not be passed on to the attendance team, so please always notify them directly.


Next week’s clubs

This half term, clubs are for Year 1 and 2.  If your child would like to join one of the clubs collect a form from the office or from Mr Malooq. 

Day                                  Club                                               Time                                              Cost                  

Monday                        Gymnastics                                          3:15 - 4:15pm                         £1 per session

Tuesday                        Cricket                                                  3:15 - 4:15pm                        £1 per session

Wednesday                 Dodgeball                                             3:15 - 4:15pm                       £1 per session

Thursday                      Football                                                3:15 - 4:15pm                       £1 per session

Friday                           Fitness Fun                                           3:15 - 4:15pm                       £1 per session

Remember, all clubs are FREE if your child is eligible for Pupil Premium - to find out if your child qualifies, please fill in a Free School Meals application form available from the Office.


Our Safeguarding team

Keeping children safe and protecting them from harm is the most important thing we do as a school. If children are not safe, they cannot flourish, form effective relationships with adults or their peers, or achieve their full potential in life. We therefore treat our responsibilities in this area with the utmost seriousness.

I’d like to welcome you to our new team.  We are here for your children and you. If you wish to talk to us, get advice or support, we are more than happy to help. Drop into school or contact us to arrange an appointment.

Parents should be aware that the school is required to take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, the Headteacher and DSL are obliged to follow the Child Protection Procedures established by the Derby & Derbyshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and inform Children’s Social Care of the concern.

