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LAC Constitution and Terms of Reference

Derby Diocesan Academy Trust (Company No. 08980079) ("DDAT")


Constitution of a Local Academy Committee


1) The name of the school is Arboretum Primary School


2) The school is an Academy in Derby Diocesan Academy Trust (DDAT).


3) This constitution is agreed by the Trust in Schedule 1 of the Scheme of Delegation 


4) The Local Academy Committee shall consist of:

2 Parent members (minimum 2)

1 Staff member

1 Head teacher

5 Trust PCC or Trust members 


5) Total number of Local Academy Committee Members is 9


6) The term of office of all members is 4 years unless stated below.


7) The Trustees of the school is the Derby Diocesan Academy Trust.


8) DDAT vision and aims:

To provide the best possible education for the pupils in their care based on the Christian principle that Every Child Matters to God.


    • Provide children with excellent educational provision
    • Rapidly improve under-performing schools
    • Develop effective school-to-school support
    • Build strong relationships and promote work with external partners
    • Raise aspirations and tackle disadvantage so that no pupil is failed by their school.


9) This Constitution of Local Academy Committee comes into effect on 19th September 2024


10) This Constitution of Local Academy Committee was ratified by DDAT Board on __________ (insert date)


11) A copy of the Constitution of Local Academy Committee must be supplied to every member of the local academy committee (and the head teacher if not a member) and DDAT.

Derby Diocesan Academy Trust (Company No. 08980079) ("DDAT")

Local Academy Committee Terms of Reference

Arboretum Primary School


Chair of


The Trust Board will appoint and remove Local Academy Committee (LAC) Chairs taking into account the LAC’s recommendation, as set out in the Trust Scheme of Delegation.


The Trust Board will agree LAC clerking arrangements based on the Governance Professional’s recommendation. The Governance Professional or their delegate will consult with the LACs and the CEO.


The Trust Board will agree LAC member appointment criteria. LAC’s will appoint members.


50% of membership less any vacancies. 


Twice per term; six times per year.


The Academy Committee has delegated responsibility to: 

           1.     Standards

           1.1.      Ensure that the Trust’s vision, ethos and strategy is adopted and applied by school leaders.

1.2. Work with senior leaders to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to address them in line with the Trust’s strategic objectives.

1.3. Monitor school performance and improvement through regular reviews of performance data, including exam results, attendance rates, and pupil progress.

1.4.     Ensure that the Trust’s curriculum is being provided to pupils in an appropriate manner for the school’s context.

1.5. Ensure that the required policies and procedures are in place and that the school is operating effectively in line with these policies.

1.6. Establish a strong relationship with the headteacher in order to provide effective support and challenge, including providing feedback to their performance management process.

           2.     Stakeholder engagement 

           2.1.     Consult stakeholders (parents, staff and pupils) and use insights to inform decision-making. 

           2.2.     Help stakeholders to understand the Trust’s values and vision for the future.

2.3. Provide the Trust board with insight into the challenges and opportunities faced by the school’s local community.



           3.     Safeguarding 

           3.1.     Foster a culture that prioritises the safety and wellbeing of all pupils and staff in the school. 

3.2. Ensure that the adopted safeguarding policies and procedures reflect the safeguarding challenges and context of the school.

           3.3.     Monitor the implementation of safeguarding policies and the effectiveness of procedures.

           3.4.     Designate a link governor to take leadership responsibility for safeguarding.

3.5. Monitor the school’s estate, ensuring that appropriate policies are adopted and followed in order to keep pupils and staff safe.

           4.     SEND 

4.1. Ensure that the Trust policy for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is implemented and adapted to the specific school context where necessary.

           4.2.     Seek assurance that staff are trained to implement pupil strategies and support plans.

           4.3.     Ensure pupils with SEND have the resources they need to succeed.

           4.4.     Designate a link governor to take leadership responsibility for SEND.

4.5. Work in partnership with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and other stakeholders across the Trust community to ensure that pupils with SEND are well-supported and included in all aspects of school life.

4.6. Monitor the overall effectiveness of the school’s SEND provision, referring to pupil outcomes and other relevant data.

           5.     Financial Oversight

5.1. Appoint a LAC member who will be responsible for Finance.

5.2. Review the annual budget for the school.

5.3. Monitor income, expenditure and cash flow of the school.

5.4. Maintain a register of LAC members' business and personal interests.

5.5. Determine and monitor the use of Pupil Premium and Sport Premium.

5.6. Enter into contracts up to the limits of delegation as specified within the DDAT Financial Handbook and within an agreed budget.

5.7. Support the Trust Board in its monitoring and evaluation of the delivery of any central services or functions provided or procured by the Trust.

These Terms of Reference must be reviewed by the Trust Board annually.



Approved by DDAT Board on:

23rd May 2024

