Newsletter 8th September 2023
Welcome to a new school year!
This week has really flown by, it is so lovely to have you all back. We hope you all had a lovely summer. We have thoroughly enjoyed hearing about the exciting things the children have been doing.
There are many fun and exciting things planned for this year with more opportunities for you to join us and your child in school. Check out the diary dates for more information about what is happening in the autumn term.
We are excited to welcome new members of staff to our team and we know that you will also make them feel part of the Arboretum family.
Mrs Phillips
Follow us @ArboPrimary
Our curriculum
We have been working hard over the summer to develop a brand new curriculum. At the heart of each topic is a exciting story which helps us to build knowledge, our experiences and a wider vocabulary.
Here are some of the books we are studying.
Wolf Brother - Michelle Paver
Tyrannosaurus Drip - Julia Donaldson & David Roberts
Incredible You - Rhys Brisenden & Nathan Reed
Stig of the Dump - Clive King
Super Duper You - Sophy Henn
We hope your child is talking about their new learning.
Have you seen our new build?
Governors and staff are very proud of our purpose built classroom for our Apples children. The Spinney has been specially designed to give our children the much needed space and resources to meet their needs. We can’t wait to share it with parents on Friday 8th September!
Our ‘Stars of the Week’
2 Year Olds - Adam & Alexis
Class 1 - Hoorya
Class 2 - Kristina
Class 3 - Everts
Class 4 - Adam
Class 5 - Yasmin
Class 6 - Omar H
Class 7 - Kevin
Class 8 - Rania
Class 9 - Hafsa
Class 10 - Zayaan
Class 11 - Yousuf U
Class 12 - Zayan
Class 13 - M Armaan
Class 14 - Hawwa
Class 15 - Malayeka
Class 16 - Henna
Class 17 - Milad
Class 18 - Ahmed
Our Safeguarding team
Keeping children safe and protecting them from harm is the most important thing we do as a school. If children are not safe, they cannot flourish, form effective relationships with adults or their peers, or achieve their full potential in life. We therefore take our responsibilities in this area with the utmost seriousness.
I’d like to welcome you to our new team. We are here for your children and you. If you wish to talk to us, get advice or support, we are more than happy to help. Drop into school or contact us to arrange an appointment.
Parents should be aware that the school is required to take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, the Headteacher and DSL are obliged to follow the Child Protection Procedures established by the Derby & Derbyshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and inform Children’s Social Care of the concern.
Behaviour policy
Last term, with the help of the School Council, we rewrote our Behaviour Policy to make it easier to understand. To remind you of this, please take a look at the flow chart below, and discuss it with your child.
We will also be continuing with our wristbands and Arboretum way Ambassadors to reward good behaviour in school. Remember if you need support Miss Hardy, Mrs Carvell, Mrs Linnecor, Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Phillips are always on hand to help.
6th September - Y3 and 4—Stone Age, Bronze Age and Ice Age with ‘DanTastic’
8th September - open classroom for Apples
11th September - open classroom for Pears
12th September - Y5 and 6 New Parent Induction
13th September - Y3 and 4 New Parent Induction
14th September - Y1 and 2 New Parent Induction
19th September - Tea & Toast
21st September - Y1 & 2 Teach Rex visit
3rd October - Parent reading session (Y3 - Y6)
5th October - RWInc parent session (Rec - Y2)
13th October - PHSE open session for parents
27th October - Break up for Half Term
6th November - INSET Day (children not in school)
7th November - Children return to school
14th November - Maths open session for parents
22nd November - SEN coffee morning
12th December - Parent meetings & Book Fair
13th December - Parent meetings & Book Fair
18th - 21st December - Christmas crafts and party afternoons with parents
22nd December - Break up for Christmas holidays
8th January 2024 - Children return to school
Look out for messages on ClassDojo for more information about these events.
We look forward to seeing you in school soon!