Newsletter- 1st December 2023
To see all images, please refer to the pdf version of the Newsletter. Thank you.
Newsletter 1st December 2023
We are very busy at school as we edge closer towards the end of the Autumn Term.
This term the children have had lots of wider opportunities, with some still to come! Teachers have planned some great trips to enhance the learning and give all of our children rich experiences. Continue reading to discover what our children have, and will be, enjoying.
Looking ahead to the end of the term we will sadly be saying ‘Goodbye’ to Mrs Bexon, Mrs Carty and Mrs Tomes.
I am sure you will join me in wishing them the best of luck as they begin their new adventures.
We are looking forward to welcoming back Mrs Darling and Mrs Malooq who will both be returning after Christmas.
Don’t forget our Twitter and Instagram pages. Follow us @ArboPrimary
Mrs Phillips
Wider opportunities—Reception
Reception will be watching The Snowman film with live orchestra on Friday 1st December.
They will be learning to listen attentively and will be encouraged to talk about how it makes them feel.
If you have a child in Reception ask them about it over the weekend.
Wider opportunities—KS1
The topic in KS1 for this half term is Victorians they will be finding out the answers to key questions such as:
What can we learn about life in Victorian times?
What is the same and what is different about schools in the past and schools today?
They will be immersed in the Victorian era on their visit to The Black Country Living Museum, which will takes place next week.
Classes 7 & 8—Wednesday 6th December
Classes 4 & 5—Thursday 7th December
Class 6—Friday 8th December
Wider opportunities—Pears
Our children in Pears are off to the Snowdome on Friday 1st December.
We hope they have a fabulous time and we can’t wait to hear all about it.
12th December - Parent meetings & Book Fair
13th December - Parent meetings & Book Fair
15th December—Reception Nativity
18th - 21st December - Christmas crafts and party afternoons with parents
22nd December - Break up for Christmas holidays
8th January 2024 - Children return to school
Look out for messages on ClassDojo for more information about these events. We look forward to seeing you in school soon!
Club’s this half term
This term it is Year 3/4 that have the opportunity to get involved with clubs
Day Club Time Cost
Monday Cycle Club 3:15-4:15pm £1 per session
Tuesday Cricket Club 3:15-4:15pm £1 per session
Wednesday DodgeballClub 3:15-4:15pm £1 per session
Thursday Football Club 3:15-4:15pm £1 per session
Friday Table Tennis Fitness 3:15-4:15pm £1 per session
Remember, all clubs are FREE if your child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding- to find out if your child qualifies, please fill in a Free School Meals application form available from the Office
Wider opportunities— Year 5/6
The topic this term for Classes 14—18 is The Maya.
They were lucky enough to visit Cadbury world to learn about the history of chocolate and its links to
The Maya.
Wider opportunities—Year 3/4
In Science Year 3/4 have been studying Rocks and Fossils.
To bring their learning to life and give them a greater understanding they have been visiting Derby
Museum to take part in a ‘Remarkable Rocks and Fantastic Fossils’ workshop. They had the opportunity to
find and cast their own fossils.