Lunch Menus
Meals are cooked in the school kitchen and eaten in the school hall.
There is a choice of meals to suit all diets, including Halal meat and vegetarian options.
The cost of a school meal is £2 per day or £10 per week.
Children must pay for meals at the start of the week.
We encourage parents to pay online through SCO Pay:
For further detail regarding the online payments, please refer to the link below:
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a meal free of charge.
Is your child eligible for Free School Meals?
As well as getting a free, healthy dinner for your child each day, we will also provide your child with one free item of uniform, free school trips and free school clubs including Breakfast Club, after school clubs and holiday clubs. In addition, the school will receive extra funding from the Government to use in support of teaching and learning (Pupil Premium).
If you feel your child is entitled to Free School Meals please ask at the school office for more information or apply online using the link below.
Currently we are operating a three week rolling menu,
Please refer to the menu below to see the menu choices for each week.
Dinner Menus
Please be aware although we try to always provide what is on the menu, we are currently experiencing problems with food deliveries, so it may sometimes be necessary to change what is being served.
We also cater for children who are Celiac (have Gluten allergy)
Where Gluten Free ingredients are used in the main Menu.
Should you need any further information please speak our Admin Staff who will be happy to help.