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Arboretum Primary School

Reach for the Stars

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Please see below for our important policies.

If you would like a paper copy of any of these policies, please contact the school office on 01332 291140.

Accessibility Policy & Plan

Assessment, Marking & Feedback Policy

Charging & Remissions Policy

Complaints Policy

Data Protection Policy & Freedom of Information Policy


Arboretum Primary School is a member of Derby Diocesan Academy Trust.


Please use the link below to access the Derby Diocesan Academy Trust Data protection page. 


DDAT Data Protection

EAL Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Medication Policy (Supporting Children with Medical conditions)

Online Safety Policy

Play Policy

Physical Intervention Policy

Relationships & Health Education Policy

Recruitment & Selection Policy

Remote Learning Policy

School Uniform Policy

Social, Emotional & Mental Health Policy

Volunteer Policy

Whistleblowing Policy
