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Arboretum Primary School

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Religious Education


Arboretum Primary School is made up of staff and pupils who originate from many nationalities, cultures and faith groups. As a school we aim to celebrate this diversity. We believe that Religious Education provides an opportunity to celebrate and foster awareness of these differences within our school and the wider world.



Children at Arboretum are offered high quality teaching and learning opportunities in RE across the school. We aim for our pupils to develop a sense of passion and commitment to RE, linking their study of religion and belief to their own lives. RE should make an outstanding contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


At Arboretum we use the Derby City agreed syllabus to support our teaching and resources and our teaching is centred on three key areas:

1.To gain knowledge about world religions and worldviews.

         2.To express appreciation and appraisal of different ideas.

         3.To gain skills needed to engage with religions and other worldviews.



Arboretum Primary School gives children a great opportunity to develop skills in the study of Religious Education, which are transferrable to Literacy and other Humanities subjects. Unbiased enquiry into other faiths, critical thinking skills, evidence based argumentation, understanding philosophical premises and the ability to clearly articulate someone else’s point of view are all key to building a community of respectful yet freethinking learners. We aim for the children to leave Arboretum with the necessary skills to access KS3 with confidence and ease. This will be shown through our ongoing teacher assessment data and through pupil voice, where pupils will show a love and engagement with RE events, texts and evidence.
