History at Arboretum offers learners a wealth of opportunities to progress in their world understanding and not least from a historical stance. History inspires curiosity which allows children to gain perspective from the judgements that they make – judgements made from primary and secondary historical evidence and sources. Through the study of History across the world and different time periods, children gain a sense of personal and national identity and can see the issues that are still troubling the world today whilst avoiding an anachronistic stance on these issues.
History objectives and outcomes, like all subjects, form part of meaningful and relevant learning journeys.
At Arboretum, we plan and deliver lessons of History that are outlined in the National Curriculum. We use a range of strategies to provide a balanced, including and engaging curriculum. We allow for opportunities to develop the children’s knowledge through research and looking at sources. We believe that visits and visitors are key to promoting the love of history and allow the children to access history in a way that they enjoy. We ensure that all learning and activities are planned to be accessible to all learners.
We endeavour for children to become confident and successful historians, who enjoy opportunities to learn about the past, ask historical questions of their own and create their own conclusions when given a range of sources from which to draw evidence. We aim for the children to leave Arboretum with the necessary historical skills to access KS3 with confidence and ease. This will be shown through our ongoing teacher assessment data and through pupil voice, where pupils will show a love and engagement with historical events, texts and evidence.