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Accessibility Policy and Plan





Review Date

November 2021

Next review due

November 2024

Reviewed By

N Linnecor

Summary of changes





Approved By:


Head Teacher …………………………………………….……………… Date …………………………….



Chair of Governors …………………………………………….……….. Date …………………………….



Schools’ Planning Duty


Schools’ Planning Duty under the Equality Act 2010 schools should have an Accessibility Plan. The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation, including the Disability Discrimination Act. The effect of the law is the same as in the past, meaning that “schools cannot unlawfully discriminate against pupils because of sex, race, disability, religion or belief and sexual orientation”. According to the Equality Act 2010 a person has a disability if:


(a) he or she has a physical or mental impairment, and

(b) the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-today activities.


The Accessibility Plan is listed as a statutory document of the Department for Education’s guidance on statutory policies for schools. The plan must be reviewed every three years and approved by the Governing Body. At Arboretum Primary School the plan will form part of the Building Contents Survey and will be monitored by the Headteacher and evaluated by the Governing Body.


The Accessibility Plan is structured to complement and support the school’s Equality Objectives, and will similarly be published on the school website.


Arboretum Primary school are dedicated to ensure that our environment and full curriculum values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, emotional and cultural needs. We continuously promote inclusion and awareness across the school.


Arboretum Primary School’s Accessibility Plan shows how access is to be improved for disabled pupils, staff and visitors to the school within a given timeframe and anticipating the need to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate their needs where possible and practical.


Aims and Objectives


Our Aims are to:

  • increase access to the curriculum for pupils with a disability
  • improve and maintain access to the physical environment and take advantage of education associated services
  • improve the delivery of written information to pupils


Our objectives are detailed in the Action Plan below. However, this Accessibility Plan is not a standalone document, but should be considered alongside the following school policy documents:


  • Disability Equality
  • SEND Information Report
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Policy
  • Local Offer
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Staff related policies, e.g. risk assessments, Derby City Council Return to Work Procedures


This plan will also be used to advise and inform future planning documents and policies.


We aim to ask about medical and special educational needs, as well as any concerns parents may have in early communication with new parents and carers. For parents and carers of children already at the school, we collect information on disability on a regular basis through discussions with parents and outside agencies.


Physical Environment


The physical environment is fully accessible for all uses and has good wheelchair access both indoors and outdoors. We have ramps in place at some of the exit doors to ensure that wheelchair users can exit the building safely. All corridors are wide and there are no issues walking around school safety for any person in a wheel chair. We have rails where there are steps and slopes to access all aspects of the school grounds. The building is all on one level and so in general does not cause any particular difficulties. There are two disabled people’s toilets located in the school and provision is made for individual children within the classrooms such as individual toilet seats/ toilet rails. Both the disabled people’s toilets have a hand rail, an emergency pull cord and easy use taps. One of the toilets includes a hoist and changing table. All classrooms have fire exits which can be used for all pupils. All classrooms are fitted with a sound system which enables those with hearing impairments to hear the teacher through the use of their sound button or by connecting their equipment to the sound system.




With the support of parents and outside agencies, areas of the curriculum, for example PE, are adapted to the needs of children in school with physical impairments. The school is aware that other issues may affect the participation of disabled pupils, for example: bullying, peer relationships, policies on the administration of medicines, the provision of personal care, the presence or lack of role models or images of disabled people, and follow school policies and procedures to ensure that these are all dealt with effectively. Where necessary, pupils have the necessary equipment in classrooms to enable them to be a part of the class and physically access the curriculum. Equipment may include; writing slopes, different chairs/seats, use of laptops etc.




Different forms of communication are made available to enable all disabled pupils to express their views and to hear the views of others. Access to information is planned, and can be accessed in different ways on request, should this be needed.


Current Activities

At Arboretum we have close working relationships with different nurseries and pre-schools and ensure that transition arrangements are organised throughout the summer term before the child starts school. This may include multi-agency meetings with parents/ professionals and/or visiting the child in their current settings. The school SEND Policy ensures that staff identify, assess and arrange suitable provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disability, working with Derby City SEND Team, outside agencies, Health Professionals and Educational Psychology Services. The SENCo manages the Statutory Assessment process, ensuring additional resources, including staffing, are allocated where appropriate through additional high needs top-up funding. We have strong systems in place to ensure that we meet the needs of all of our pupils including Provision Mapping, which identifies children and interventions. These are produced and reviewed termly alongside whole school tracking systems.


All staff work together as a team to ensure strategies for improving pupils’ behaviour and access to learning is effective. Our behaviour lead supports in classes and during unstructured times and is well-trained in supporting a range of needs. We also have access to Forest Schools, Thrive and ELSA in school.


The school also works closely with specialist services including:

Local Authority Provision delivered in school

  • STePS (Specialist Teachers and Educational Psychology Services)
  • ASD Specialist & Advisory Teacher
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Sensory support for children with visual or hearing needs
  • Parent Partnership Service
  • SALT (Speech and Language Therapy) Jessica Flintoff
  • LAC (Looked After Children)
  • Family Intervention Worker to support families


Health Provision delivered in school

  • Additional Speech and Language Therapy input to provide a higher level of service to the school
  • School Nurse
  • Occupational Therapy – Lighthouse Team
  • Physiotherapy – Lighthouse Team
  • Community Paediatrician (Dr. Mehta)
  • CAMHs (Child and Adult Mental Health)



The school’s governors, teachers, teaching assistants and mid-day supervisors have a wide range of training and experiences that allow for effective support throughout the day in the following areas:


  • Hearing impairment
  • Physical disability
  • Visual impairment
  • Specific medical conditions including asthma, eczema, diabetes, Maple Syrup Urine Disease
  • Specific learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia
  • Autism
  • Speech, language and communication needs (SALT)
  • Profound and multiple difficulties including specific genetic disorders, e.g. Down’s Syndrome Physiotherapy


Please see the Local Offer and SEND Information Report for further information about the facilities and support currently on offer at the school, which can be found on the school website.


Review and Implementation

The Accessibility Policy is reviewed annually by the Governing Body and Headteacher. In addition, the Accessibility Plan will be reviewed three yearly by all relevant parties.


Reviewed and re-written:

November 2021- Natalie Linnecor  (SENCo)




Arboretum Primary school Accessibility Plan


Short-Term Targets

Aim 1: To increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum







To comply with the Equality Act 2010.

· Review all statutory policies to ensure that they reflect inclusive practice and procedure



All subject leaders Governors

· All policies clearly reflect inclusive practice and procedure

To identify pupils who may need additional provision to ensure smooth transition.

· Liaise with pre-school providers to review potential intake for September 2022-2023-2024.

· Liaise with SENCo’s to ensure clear transfer of records/information

· Arrange multi-agency meetings where necessary to ensure the provision is suitable

·Observe the child in their setting prior to attending out school

· Any changes in pupil’s needs identified within SENCo progress meetings – termly and IEPs to reflect any needs identified

· Meeting arranged with parents – information sharing/needs of the child- at least termly

Summer Term for transition and Autumn Term follow-up each September



EYFS Leader

· Procedures, resources/equipment and strategies in place

· Parents are kept informed of provision and consulted

To ensure all staff are fully aware of the needs of all pupils who have an EHCP/SEND support (long term objectives and 12 monthly objectives/IEPs)

· Transition meetings in the summer term

· Transfer of records / meetings with teachers and relevant staff &

· SEND Folders up-dated and to include all relevant documents/info. shared

· Create and up-date provision maps showing the overview for each year group and individual pupil’s need

Transition meetings at the end of year On-going meetings SENCo


All staff

· All staff are clear about their responsibilities in meeting pupil’s needs

· Individual Education Plans identified and on provision maps and/or IEPs where needed

To access outside agency support/advice and on-going support for pupils with health needs. To improve access to the curriculum through the use of specialised equipment and resources following advice and support from outside agencies.

· Referral/consult to specialist support teachers (STePs) , Psychology Services, Health Team, SALT etc. for additional support and advice where needed · Consult regularly with parents for information sharing and discussion on targets/needs

· ASD, HI and VI needs met through access to specialised support and resources –regular support for identified children

· OT/Physio and SALT programmes identified on provision maps and staff training taken place to deliver any specialised interventions/use of equipment

On-going updates and regular input throughout the year from outside agencies Termly meetings SENCo and EP/SALT/ STePs


All staff working with pupils with additional needs Specialist teachers and Psychology Services

· Pupils needs being met

· Advice, strategies and targets given by outside agency support taken on board and making a difference to pupils and school in ensuring needs are met

· Staff feeling supported in meeting the needs of all pupils · Range of equipment integrated into practice

· Parents feeling confident about the provision

To review the attainment of pupils with SEND regularly through whole school tracking systems.

· Discussion to take place at pupil progress meetings on the attainment of all pupils on SEND support/EHCP

· Attainment of SEND children over the year to be analysed termly and through IEP meetings (SENCo and Assessment Co.)

· Track small steps of progress using the Brackensfield model

· IEPs to reflect needs of pupils based on progress made

Min. of 3 x annual IEP meetings 1 x annual EHCP review 3 x termly SEND Progress Meetings – SENCo and teacher On-going



· Analysis shows that expected progress has been made by all pupils

· Progress towards the IEP targets has been achieved.

· Provision has been reviewed and amended based on needs of pupils

To ensure parents are fully involved in the IEP process and understand how to support their child at home. To ensure that pupils are involved in their IEP targets and EHCP meetings (where appropriate).

· Minimum of 1 x termly meetings for IEP reviews/discussion on progress

· Discussion on targets and parent views considered · Targets to be clearly identified on IEPs for parents to work on

· Staff to complete parent meeting notes – proforma in SEND folders

· Parents to complete a questionnaire – analyse/review and take action steps where needed · Introduce ‘Parent Drop-in’ sessions Spring term

1 x termly minimum with class teacher SENCo to arrange drop in sessions

Class teacher



· IEPs reviewed with parents and new targets shared

· Parents understand targets and know how to support their child with at least one of the targets

· All parents aware of the SEN needs of their child

· Evidence/tracking of meetings held with parents completed by teachers and used to monitor parent views and feedback

To attend LA meetings to ensure up-to-date with current legislation and LA guidelines



· Attend training

· Disseminate to staff/SLT where appropriate

· Involve parents where appropriate




Governing body

· Course/meetings attended and disseminated to SLT

· Governing Body kept up-to-date with any changes



Medium -term targets

To audit, and where necessary, improve/purchase quality resources and specialised equipment. To continue to train staff according to the needs within the school on the use of specialised equipment and understanding/ meeting pupils’ needs

· Budget request completed and budget allocated

 · Audit of resources and training needs

· Up-date and invest in any new resources which offer greater access to the curriculum for identified children across the school

· Staff training identified – internally and externally

· STePs training - ASD, HI and VI for identified children

Autumn Term Review – ongoing basis



All staff

· Access to the curriculum improved through the use of good quality resources, interventions and adaptations

To continue to develop attention autism intervention across school

· Provide training for those necessary staff

· Ensure there are resources available for the intervention- manage budget


Key adults


· Attention Autism adopted where appropriate

· Staff confident in running and assessing through Attention Autism

To review out of hours provision and develop/ensure accessibility for all pupils.

· Monitor club members

· Meet with club Leaders

· Ensure accessibility and improve where possible



Club Leaders Curriculum Leaders SENCo

· All out of hours activities are organised to be accessible to all pupils in school

Long -term targets

To evaluate and review procedures in place in ensuring participation of disabled pupils.

· Evaluate and review the short and medium term targets and set new targets

· Produce new plan based on needs of the school/pupils




Governing body

Pupil & Parents

· Increased access for disabled pupils

· Pupils feeling successful at school

· Quality interventions and resources in place

To develop understanding and the use of sensory circuits.

Allocate a proportion of the budget over the course of three years for sensory activities and equipment · Seek and attend training on sensory circuits at local schools · Seek advice and ongoing training from STePS Advisory services




· Sensory circuits being used by pupils identified as needing additional sensory support

· Sensory circuits having a positive effect on pupils

To continue to audit, review and develop staff expertise based on the needs of the school.

· Identify training needs · Seek out appropriate training (internally/externally) and prioritise who, what, when etc.



Senior leaders


· Long term training needs identified and prioritised



Short-Term Targets

Aim 2: To improve the physical environment of the school






To continue to maintain the physical environment of the school in order to maintain accessibility for all pupils


· Identify needs of new in-take and make reasonable adjustments to the physical environment

· Assess needs of pupil and plan for smooth transition

· Plan classrooms accordingly

· Involve STePs Teams to support with transition and any specialist equipment

· Maintain good working order of all disabled toilets and facilities


· Maintain good up-keep of all areas to allow easy access

· Pupil questionnaire - Seek pupil views through School Council on improving play areas

 · Fire Routes – continue to follow procedures to ensure all disabled pupils and staff are aware of safe routes






Site team

All staff

·The environment is suitable for disabled children entering school

· Classroom environment is accessible and meeting the needs of pupils wherever possible

To ensure risk assessments are in place for key pupils

· Up-date Risk Assessments for all pupils and share with staff · Monitor risk assessments and adapt if needed to meet children’s needs

Annually and regularly



All staff

· All staff aware of risks and pupils safely accessing the curriculum and school grounds · Risk Assessments are understood and followed up


Medium -term targets

To ensure classroom environments meet the needs of pupils.

· Environment monitoring to take place on a regular basis.

· Ensure environments meet the needs of the children by being stimulating but not overly through learning walks, drop-in sessions, mini observations etc.

 · Needs of the child to be carefully thought through and classrooms adapted accordingly

· Seek views of children

ongoing basis



All staff

· Access to the curriculum improved through the use of good quality resources, interventions and adaptations

To develop the play environment (The Spinney) so it is safe and suitable for The Orchard children

·To get a purpose built space for The Orchard

· Ensure the space is gated off to keep children safe

·Invest in new equipment for the children

Spring 2


Orchard staff



· The children in The Orchard will stay safe during unstructured times and play outside

· Children are happy and enjoy play times

Long -term targets

To continue to develop the playground facilities for all children.


To ensure path ways are appropriate for wheelchair access.

· Look for funding opportunities

· Involve the School Council

· Regular checks and maintenance

· Site manager to report any problems

On going



Governing body

Pupil & Parents

· Inclusive child-friendly play areas.

· Wheelchair access maintained around the school grounds

To provide a wider range of play resources for lunchtimes to support a range of different play types and ensure all children have the same opportunities to them

· Invest in new resources which promote play opportunities

· Use of OPAL - Outdoor Play and Learning to support with the school’s new venture of changing the opportunities we provide children

On-going over the next year



S. Ferguson



·All children will enjoy their playtimes by engaging in a wide range of play opportunities

·Resources are used and are accessible for all



Short-Term Targets

Aim 3: To improve the delivery of information to disabled pupils and parents






To up-date records to ensure school is fully aware of any disabled children/parents and their needs.

· Office staff aware of parent’s needs as notified and adapted material on request

· The school will make itself aware of the services available for converting written information into alternative formats

 · Health Care Plans kept up-to-date – access to all and kept in the same place

· Up-date Medical forms regularly – all classrooms to have medical records and one page profiles in their green folders

· Up-date SEND forms in line with guidance



EYFS leads



Office team

All staff

· All staff aware of the needs of the school

 · Records up-to-date

· The school will be able to provide written information in different formats.

To ensure disabled parking is marked and available for disabled staff and disabled pupils only

· Site manager and office staff to ensure correct use of the disabled parking space

· Parents made aware of ‘rules’ for using the parking space

On going  



Governing body

 · Parking fully accessible to meet the needs of pupils and parents

To ensure that the school environment offers further information to pupils and visitors.

· Photographs of all staff on display board with names

· Classrooms labelled

· Environmental print

 · Displays offer visual and written support/adapted where needed

 · Photographs/images for visual support on display · Monitored through learning walks


On going


· Visual and written environment offers support and is consistent around the school








Medium -term targets

To continue to up-date and improve the school website to ensure information is fully accessible.

· Website redesigned/developed and improved over time

· Checklist completed for all relevant information that needs to be on the website

· Ensure parents are fully aware of the information available on the website

On going



All staff

· Website up-dated and all relevant information available and up-dated regularly

· Friendly/easy to access website

· Website used by parents

To use class Dojo to communicate with parents regularly, share information and send over specific files when needed

· Connect all pupils to class dojo and relevant staff to each class

· Share specific files and information to parents through the messaging tool

· Ensure questions are answered through the app when needed

On going


Autumn term


All staff


· Parents and teachers are connected through class dojo

· All parents are connected and use the app to communicate with relevant staff

Long -term targets

To continue to meet any specific future needs of pupils/families within school

· Assess needs and plan accordingly

· Identify any specialised support needed and seek advice

· Add to provision maps/risk assessments etc.

· Staff awareness and training where needed




On going

Whole school

· Needs of pupils met where ever possible


Curriculum Access

To continue to ensure all staff are mindful of the implications of the DDA and the range of identified disabilities.

Staff Meetings

Staff awareness

Audit of current interventions available within school

Provision mapping (See Appendix 1)

All staff are aware of range of interventions available in school to meet needs of all pupils.

To continue to ensure that all staff are aware of available specialist support.

Directory of support available

 Staff are aware of available support

Carry out school audit of the ‘wider curriculum’ such as: clubs, school visits to ensure that disabled pupils can participate

Audit of all activities by Extended Services co-ordinator Access to clubs/activities monitored to ensure all pupils able to participate in appropriate sessions



To look at potential intake for following term/year to identify and deliver training needs

To provide access training relevant to whole school and individual pupil needs

All Staff feel competent and supported in dealing with wide range of ability/disability.


To develop and maintain the above on an annual basis

To provide training with appropriate support services for relevant staff

All Staff feel competent and supported in dealing with wide range of ability/disability.

Physical Access


Target Strategy Who / When Outcome
To review regularly, to ensure that there are no physical barriers to access for pupils/parents with a range of disabilities. Site manager to ensure any issues relating to access are brought to the attention of the HT immediately. Site Manager

Full physical access to the curriculum.


Regular review of premises.

To set emergency & evacuation systems to inform all pupils.

Individual Evacuation Plans in place for children with SEN & disabilities.

Staff IE Plans in place


To ensure signage is clear.
Signs in school should be clear & well contrasted Site Manager Letters in contrast with sign background & the sign in contrast with wall


Curriculum Access:

  • Clear inclusion policy
  • Clear system of communication for SEN provision : HT, SENCo, Teachers, TAs
  • Strong links with outside agencies eg Ed. Psychology, Speech and language, School nurse, School Doctor, Occupational Health, Physically impaired, ASD
  • MEPs, IEPs, Individual Evacuation Plans
  • Staff meetings, inset, training


Physical Access:

  • Occupational Health, Physically impaired
  • Site manager
  • Health and Safety officers