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Arboretum Primary School

Reach for the Stars

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Behaviour Policy






Statement of intent


  1. Introduction
  2. Legal framework
  3. Roles and responsibilities
  4. Definitions
  5. Staff induction, development and support
  6. Managing behaviour
  7. Prevention strategies, intervention, and sanctions for unacceptable behaviour
  8. Sexual abuse and harassment
  9. Smoking and controlled substances
  10. Prohibited items, searching pupils and confiscation
  11. Effective classroom management
  12. Behaviour outside of school premises
  13. Data collection and behaviour evaluation

   14. Monitoring and review


Whole School Flowchart



Flowchart for SEND



Statement of intent

Arboretum Primary School believes that, in order to facilitate teaching and learning, acceptable behaviour must be demonstrated in all aspects of school life. The school is committed to:

  • Promoting desired behaviour.
  • Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority, and positive relationships based on mutual respect.
  • Ensuring equality and fair treatment for all.
  • Praising and rewarding good behaviour publicly.
  • Challenging and disciplining misbehaviour privately.
  • Providing a safe environment free from disruption, violence, discrimination, bullying and any form of harassment.
  • Encouraging positive relationships with parents.
  • Developing positive relationships with pupils to enable early intervention.
  • A shared approach which involves pupils in the implementation of the school’s policy and associated procedures.
  • Promoting a safe culture of praise and encouragement in which all pupils can achieve.

Reasonable and proportionate consequences are used where a pupil’s behaviour falls below the standard that is expected, alongside support to prevent recurring misbehaviour.

The school acknowledges that behaviour can sometimes be the result of educational needs, mental health issues, or other needs or vulnerabilities, and will address these needs via an individualised graduated response.

To help reduce the likelihood of behavioural issues related to social, emotional or mental health (SEMH), the school will create a safe and calm environment in which positive mental health and wellbeing are promoted and pupils are taught to be resilient. The school will promote resilience as part of a whole-school approach using the following methods:

  • Culture, ethos and environment – the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff is promoted through the informal curriculum, including leadership practice, policies, values and attitudes, alongside the social and physical environment
  • Teaching – the curriculum is used to develop pupils’ knowledge about health and wellbeing through JIGSAW materials.
  • Community engagement – the school proactively engages with parents, outside agencies and the wider community to promote consistent support for pupils’ health and wellbeing eg: Compass.


All staff are made aware of how potentially traumatic adverse childhood experiences, including abuse and neglect, can impact on a pupil’s mental health, behaviour, and education. Where vulnerable pupils or groups are identified, provision will be made to support and promote their positive mental health. The school’s Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy outlines the specific procedures that will be used to assess these pupils for any SEMH-related difficulties that could affect their behaviour.


1. Introduction


At Arboretum Primary school our vision is ‘Reach for the Stars’. We are a school that serves a changing and diverse community and we pride ourselves on striving to meet the needs of each individual. We are committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning.


Our school is:

a safe, supportive stimulating learning environment;

a team of respectful, tolerant, open minded citizens;

a community where everyone aspires to be the very best they can be;

a community of resilient lifelong learners;

a centre of excellence where all achieve success.


We are all STARS!


Our pupils are welcomed into a positive, aspirational and caring environment that allows all to achieve well, and realise their full potential. In order to do this, the school adopts a behaviour system that is based on positivity, praise and respectful relationships, which are built and nurtured between teacher and pupil. It relies heavily upon the importance of PIP – Praising and rewarding in public and RIP – Reprimanding (where necessary) in private. Its base is rooted in being kind and fair to children.


2. Legal framework

This policy has due regard to all relevant legislation and statutory guidance including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Education Act 1996
  • Education Act 2002
  • Education and Inspections Act 2006
  • Health Act 2006
  • The School Information (England) Regulations 2008
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019
  • DfE (2013) ‘Use of reasonable force’
  • DfE (2015) ‘Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years’
  • DfE (2018) ‘Mental health and behaviour in schools’
  • DfE (2021) ‘Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges’
  • DfE (2022) ‘Behaviour in schools: Advice for headteachers and school staff’
  • DfE (2022) ‘Keeping children safe in education 2022’
  • DfE (2022) ‘Searching, Screening and Confiscation: Advice for schools’
  • DfE (2022) ‘Suspension and Permanent Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement’

This policy operates in conjunction with the following school policies:

  • Pupil Code of Conduct
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy
  • Complaints Procedures Policy
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy
  • Suspension and Exclusion Policy
  • Physical Intervention Policy
  • Child-on-child Abuse Policy
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
  • Smoke-free Policy
  • Pupil Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • Searching and Confiscation Policy
  • Anti-bullying Policy


3. Roles and responsibilities


The governing board will have overall responsibility for:

  • Making a statement of behaviour principles, and providing guidance for the headteacher on promoting good behaviour where appropriate.
  • Ensuring that this policy, as written, does not discriminate on any grounds, including, but not limited to, age, disability, gender reassignment, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
  • Promoting a whole-school culture where calm, dignity and structure encompass every space and activity.
  • Handling complaints regarding this policy, as outlined in the school’s Complaints Procedures Policy.
  • Ensuring this policy is published on the school website.


The headteacher will be responsible for:

  • The monitoring and implementation of this policy and of the behaviour procedures at the school. This includes monitoring the policy’s effectiveness in addressing any SEMH-related drivers of poor behaviour.
  •  Acting in accordance with the statement of behaviour principles made by the governing board, and having any regard to guidance provided by the governing board on promoting good behaviour.
  • Establishing high expectations of pupils’ conduct and behaviour, and implementing measures to achieve this.
  • Determining the school rules and any disciplinary sanctions for breaking the rules.
  • The day-to-day implementation of this policy.
  • Publicising this policy in writing to staff, parents and pupils at least once a year.
  • Reporting to the governing board on the implementation of this policy, including its effectiveness in addressing any SEMH-related issues that could be driving disruptive behaviour.


The mental health lead will be responsible for:

  • Overseeing the whole-school approach to mental health, including how this is reflected in this policy, how staff are supported with managing pupils with SEMH-related behavioural difficulties, and how the school engages pupils and parents with regards to the behaviour of pupils with SEMH difficulties.
  • Supporting behaviour management in line with the SEMH Policy.


The SENCO will be responsible for:

  • Collaborating with the governing board, headteacher and the mental health lead, as part of the SLT, to determine the strategic development of behaviour and SEMH policies and provisions in the school.
  • Undertaking day-to-day responsibilities for the successful operation of the behaviour and SEMH policies to support pupils with SEND, in line with the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy.
  • Supporting teachers in the further assessment of a pupil’s strengths and areas for improvement and advising on the effective implementation of support.


Teaching staff will be responsible for:

  • Planning and reviewing support for pupils with behavioural difficulties in collaboration with parents, the SENCO and, where appropriate, the pupils themselves.
  • Aiming to teach all pupils the full curriculum, whatever their prior attainment.
  • Planning lessons to address potential areas of difficulty to ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving their full potential, and that every pupil with behavioural difficulties will be able to study the full national curriculum.
  • Teaching and modelling expected behaviour and positive relationships, demonstrating good habits.
  • Being responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class.
  • Not tolerating disruption and taking proportionate action to restore acceptable standards of behaviour.


All members of staff, including teaching and support staff, and volunteers will be responsible for:

  • Adhering to this policy and applying it consistently and fairly.
  • Supporting pupils in adhering to this policy.
  • Promoting a supportive and high-quality learning environment.
  • Modelling high levels of behaviour.
  • Being aware of the signs of behavioural difficulties.
  • Setting high expectations for every pupil.
  • Being aware of the needs, outcomes sought, and support provided to any pupils with specific behavioural needs.
  • Keeping the relevant figures of authority up-to-date with any changes in behaviour. The relevant figures of authority include:
    • Headteacher.
    • Deputy Head teacher
    • Senior Phase leader
    • SENCO
    • Phase leaders


  • As authorised by the headteacher, sanctioning pupils who display poor levels of behaviour.


Pupils will be responsible for:

  • Their own behaviour both inside school and out in the wider community.
  • Reporting any unacceptable behaviour to a member of staff.


Parents will be responsible for:

  • Supporting their child in adhering to the school rules and reinforcing this at home.
  • Informing the school of any changes in circumstances which may affect their child’s behaviour.


4. Definitions


For the purposes of this policy, the school will define “serious unacceptable behaviour” as any behaviour which may cause harm to oneself or others, damage the reputation of the school within the wider community, and/or any illegal behaviour. This will include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Discrimination – not giving equal respect to an individual on the basis of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation
  • Harassment – behaviour towards others which is unwanted, offensive and affects the dignity of the individual or group of individuals
  • Vexatious behaviour – deliberately acting in a manner so as to cause annoyance or irritation
  • Bullying – a type of harassment which involves personal abuse or persistent actions which humiliate, intimidate, frighten or demean the individual being bullied
  • Cyberbullying – the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature
  • Possession of legal or illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco
  • Possession of banned items
  • Truancy and running away from school
  • Refusing to comply with disciplinary sanctions
  • Theft
  • Verbal abuse, including swearing, racist remarks and threatening language
  • Fighting and aggression
  • Persistent disobedience or disruptive behaviour
  • Extreme behaviour, such as violence and serious vandalism
  • Any behaviour that threatens safety or presents a serious danger
  • Any behaviour that seriously inhibits the learning of pupils
  • Any behaviour that requires the immediate attention of a staff member


For the purposes of this policy, the school will define “low-level unacceptable behaviour” as any behaviour which may disrupt the education of the perpetrator and/or other pupils, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Lateness
  • Low-level disruption and talking in class
  • Failure to complete classwork
  • Rudeness
  • Refusing to complete homework, incomplete homework, or arriving at school without homework
  • Disruption on public transport
  • Graffiti

 “Low-level unacceptable behaviour” may be escalated to “serious unacceptable behaviour”, depending on the severity of the behaviour.


5. Staff induction, development and support


All new staff will be inducted clearly into the school’s behaviour culture to ensure they understand its rules and routines and how best to support all pupils to participate in creating the culture of the school. Staff will be provided with bespoke training, where necessary, on the needs of pupils at the school to enable behaviour to be managed consistently.

The SLT will consider any appropriate training which is required for staff to meet their duties and functions in accordance with this policy, including on understanding matters which may affect a pupil’s behaviour, e.g. SEND and mental health needs.

The SLT and the headteacher will review staff training needs annually, and in response to any serious or persistent behaviour issues disrupting the running of the school.


6. Managing behaviour


Instances of unacceptable behaviour will be taken seriously and dealt with immediately. Staff will respond promptly, predictably and with confidence to maintain a calm, safe learning environment. Staff will consider afterwards how to prevent such behaviour from recurring.

All staff will record all reported incidents on CPOMS to help identify pupils whose behaviour may indicate potential mental health or safeguarding problems. All staff will be alert to changes in a pupil’s behaviour that could indicate they need help or protection.

Support, such as targeted discussions with pupils, a phone call with parents, and inquiries into circumstances outside of school by the DSL team, will be provided alongside the use of consequences to prevent the misbehaviour recurring. After an initial incident of negative behaviour, the following consequences will be considered, with staff using their professional judgement and experience to determine what is appropriate and reasonable:

1. Step 1 - Reminder

Gentle encouragement, a ‘nudge’ in the right direction.

A reminder of our three simple rules - Ready, Respectful, Safe delivered privately wherever possible.

This can be accompanied with a reference to a 2 minute consequence should the behaviour continue.

De-escalate and decelerate where reasonable and

possible and take the initiative to keep things at this stage. Praise will be given if the learner is able to model good behaviour as a result of the reminder. ‘I have a lot of respect for children who can turn it around’ could be used.

2. Step 2 – Private chat

Where the reminder has not been successful in changing the behaviour, a further conversation will be required between the teacher and the pupil. A further private chat will be undertaken following the micro script on the Arboretum way. There is a continuing belief from the teacher that this is a ‘blip’ and not normal for this child. There is a strong belief that the child can and will change.

Here a clear verbal warning is delivered privately, wherever possible, making the learner aware of their behaviour and clearly outlining the consequences if they continue – 2 minutes reflection time. A private note may be made by the teacher to record the conversation but this is between the teacher and the pupil.

3. Step 3 – Time out

Where the child continues the behaviour, they will be asked to leave the room. The child is taken to the classroom next door (where no conflict with other pupils would occur). The teacher in the partner class is alerted preferably non-verbally and the child reflects for 5 minutes. Say:  ‘Think carefully about your behaviour while you are here. You're so much better than this.
Remember when... I will come back in 5 minutes and we will talk’.

4. Step 4 - Restorative Chat

Restorative Conversation

5 questions is usually enough from the following:

What happened?

What were you thinking at the time?

What have you thought since?

How did this make people feel?

Who has been affected?

How have they been affected?

What should we do to put things right?

How can we do things differently in the future? .

Completion of additional work missed in the lesson given if needed:

Children need to understand the language of impact and consequence. If you are not focused in lessons, then you will need to do the work in ‘your time’. This should be explained especially to younger children that their own time is at play time/lunch time. For older children this might be work sent home where this is discussed with the parent and the work needs to be delivered back to the teacher the next day.

5. Step 5 - Support

Where the child’s behaviour has escalated through the lesson significantly and Step 2, 3 and 4 have been used but have not effective, support from SLT should be requested and the child removed from the room. This should be seen as the last resort where either the child or other children in the class are not safe or behaviour is disrupting teaching and learning and it is therefore impossible for the teacher to teach the class.

At this point, the head teacher will be discussing appropriate consequences and strategies to move forward.

If low level behaviour is seen on 3 separate occasions, this will also require SLT support.

Restorative Practice

Arboretum Primary uses Restorative Practice to promote good behaviour and resolve unacceptable behaviour in a fair and consistent way. The restorative questions are displayed in every class room. Every effort will be made to maintain safety and retain all children’s access to learning. Efforts will be made to establish the truth of a situation and a ‘cooling down’ period may be advisable. Always agree parameters before a discussion especially where multiple children are involved to ensure the discussion stays calm:

  • You will all get your chance to talk.
  • We agree not to interrupt another person talking even if they say something you disagree with because you will have your chance to talk.
  • We will work together to agree a solution/appropriate consequence.
    However, issues must be addressed appropriately and promptly. Decisions regarding consequences must be considered, reasonable and not made on impulse. Where classroom behaviour is disruptive, teachers will apply the procedures from the steps detailed above on the flowchart displayed in class.


A reflective pictorial booklet is available in each classroom to support LA/EAL/SEND children when holding restorative conversations.


Where a pupil’s misbehaviour is causing significant disruption or is deemed serious enough by a staff member, the following procedures will be followed:

  • The pupil is sent to the headteacher immediately or, in the headteacher’s absence, the most senior member of staff.
  • A member of SLT or the DSL team investigates the incident and decides whether it constitutes unacceptable behaviour.
  • If the above deems the incident to be unacceptable behaviour, they will record the incident on CPOMS. The behaviour will also be recorded on the pupil’s permanent record.
  • Where deemed necessary, e.g. after other behavioural strategies in the classroom have been attempted or the behaviour is so extreme as to warrant immediate removal, the pupil will be removed from the classroom – the headteacher will determine the period the pupil will be removed from the classroom, as well as any additional consequences.
  • A member of SLT will inform the pupil’s parents on the same day, where possible, following a decision to remove their child from the classroom, and invite them to discuss the incident.

Following repeated incidents of unacceptable behaviour, the following sanctions will be implemented:
The headteacher will consider whether the pupil should be suspended, in line with the school’s Suspension and Exclusion Policy, and will determine the length of the suspension.

  • Although unacceptable behaviour does not necessarily mean a pupil has SEND, an assessment will be carried out at this stage to determine whether there are any undiagnosed learning or communication difficulties, or mental health issues that may be contributing to the pupil’s behaviour.
  • Where a pupil is identified as having SEMH-related difficulties, SEND support will be put in place.
  • Where SEND is not identified, but the headteacher determines that support is still required for the pupil, an Individual Behaviour Plan will be created to outline the necessary provisions in place.

Following further incidents of unacceptable behaviour, the following sanctions will be implemented:

Additional consequences

Communication with parent/carer

If a child has three incidents in a week requiring reflection in another classroom, the class teacher must inform parents.

On a case by case basis, sometimes a daily ‘how’s it going?’ conversation might be needed.

A formal meeting with SLT and


If a child has three or more incidents in a week (or regular incidents) requiring reflection a meeting with SLT and parents/carers will be arranged.

Weekly behaviour meetings

Where this continues, weekly meetings with parents, class teacher, SLT and the child will be held. This will be used to explain the consequence escalation that will take place if behaviour does not change but also the support that school will put in place to help the child change. Teachers, the pupil and parents should be given monitored responsibilities, the effectiveness of which should be reviewed at meetings.

An individual behaviour chart for the child can be used with 3 targets. An example is shown below:




The headteacher will consider whether a permanent exclusion is necessary, in line with the school’s Suspension and Exclusion Policy, alongside alternative options such as a managed move or off-site direction.


For discipline to be lawful, the school will ensure that:

  • The decision to discipline a pupil is made by a paid member of school staff, or a member of staff authorised to do so by the headteacher.
  • The decision to discipline a pupil is made on the school premises or whilst the pupil is under the charge of a member of staff, such as during an educational trip or visit.
  • The decision to discipline a pupil is reasonable and will not discriminate on any grounds, e.g. equality, SEND or human rights.

The school will ensure that all discipline is reasonable in all circumstances, and will consider the pupil’s age, religious requirements, SEMH needs, any SEND, and any other contributing factors, e.g. bullying, safeguarding or home life issues.


7. Prevention strategies, intervention, and sanctions for unacceptable behaviour


This section outlines the school’s strategies for preventing unacceptable behaviour and initial interventions, minimising the severity of incidents, and using sanctions and support effectively and appropriately to improve pupils’ behaviour in the future.

Initial interventions

A range of initial intervention strategies to help pupils manage their behaviour and reduce the likelihood of more severe sanctions will be used. Support will consider the pupil’s specific needs and may be delivered outside of the classroom, in small groups or in one-to-one activities. Timely, accurate and consistent use of CPOMS will ensure relevant members of the SLT and pastoral staff are aware of any pupil that is:

  • Persistently misbehaving
  • Not improving their behaviour following low-level sanctions
  • Displaying a sudden change in behaviour from previous patterns of behaviour

Examples of initial interventions to address misbehaviour will include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Frequently engaging with parents, including home visits where necessary
  • Providing mentoring and coaching
  • Short term - Behaviour charts with 3 targets
  • Long-term behaviour plans
  • Pupil support units
  • Engagement with local partners and agencies
  • Where the pupil has SEND, appropriate provision will be put in place to support the pupil. Where the pupil has an EHC plan, contact with the LA will be made review the plan.

A multi-agency assessment, such an early help assessment, that goes beyond a pupil’s education will be considered where serious concerns about a pupil’s behaviour exist.

Behaviour curriculum

Positive behaviour will be taught to all pupils as part of the behaviour curriculum, in order to enable them to understand what behaviour is expected and encouraged and what is unacceptable. Positive reinforcement will be used by staff where expectations are met to acknowledge good behaviour and encourage repetition. The behaviour curriculum will focus on defining positive behaviour and making it clear what this looks like, including the key habits and routines required by the school, e.g. lining up without talking outside the classroom before a lesson.

Routine will be used to teach and reinforce the expected behaviours of all pupils. Appropriate and reasonable adjustments to routines for pupils with additional needs, e.g. SEND, will be made. Consistent and clear language will be used when acknowledging positive behaviour and addressing misbehaviour.

To create a school environment where every child and adult understands what is needed to create exemplary behaviour, 3 school rules are embedded: Ready, Respectful and Safe (RRS). These rules are displayed in every classroom and used in daily school language and conversation with children at every opportunity to praise but also re-direct where required eg: ‘Thank you for being so respectful when you……’/’That’s not what I meant when I said ready. Ready meant…Ready looked like…’




At Arboretum, we teach that our 3 school rules underpin everything that we do. When we have embedded these rules in our daily routine, we can begin to ‘Reach for the stars’, and display ‘STARS’ behaviour. Children are also invited to go, ‘Over and Above’ where their teacher, for exceptional effort, resilience and initiative can recognise them with a ‘Special Message’ home.


A Recognition Board

An essential element of the behaviour system is the relentless highlighting of positive behaviour in the classroom. A class recognition board is used. See below:


These are the relentless routines in the classroom:
 Pens down
 Magnet eyes   
 Show me you’re ready     

 Children can earn points 1 or 2 points during the lesson for following RRS

The recognition board is used to write names of children during the lesson who are following RRS. It is re-set after each lesson. There is an opportunity to move up ONLY. Points earnt are not deducted for subsequent poor behaviour. Similarly, children who have earnt 2 points, do not return to 1 point. Points may also be added to the class dojo system during the lesson. As long as the lesson is immersed in positivity and positive behaviours are brought to the attention of all.

Scripts are essential to ensure adults take a calm and consistent approach to behaviour at all times.


Zones of regulation and emotional coaching


Zones of Regulation is an approach used to support the development of self-regulation in children. All the different ways children feel and the states of alertness they experience are categorised into four coloured zones. Children are taught the zones and their meanings and different strategies to manage when in the zones.

Combined with this, school staff are trained in emotional coaching which helps children to become more aware of their emotions and manage their feelings particularly during instances of misbehaviour.


Motivation and reward systems

All members of staff are responsible for the behaviour of children around school and in

lessons. A variety of strategies and rewards are used and given to individuals who obey the school rules - RRS to promote a culture of positive behaviour. Staff are encouraged to actively reward positive behaviours as well as challenge undesirable behaviours as soon as they see them, in line with the guidance within this policy.

Class Dojo

Each class teacher will set up a class dojo on Each child will have their own avatar. Children will be awarded dojo points for following the rules of RRS. Teachers will give these points ‘publicly’. Other teachers can award children points for them to add to their class total. The recognition board allows for one or two points to be awarded per lesson. Two dojo points is the maximum to be given at any time.
Democratically, children will decide on the number of points they want to achieve and the treat on achievement. Eg: 1,000 points – Games and snacks afternoon. The dojo is then re-set with a new target and treat.
Parents can be invited to this treat as a good opportunity for parental engagement. (Optional and at teacher discretion)

Class dojo should look like this for EYFS/KS1 and LKS2:

For UKS2 it will look like this:


Rationale: age of children and increased familiarity with school rules - Ready, Respectful, Safe as regularly defined during their school career.

Wrist bands

Where the teacher observes amazing behaviour and effort, a wrist band can be given to children with the a message on - ‘Amazing maths work,’ or ‘You are a kind and caring friend,’. Other adults in school should ask the child what they have the wrist band for so that the child is encouraged to explain why they are wearing the wristband and the behaviour is reinforced.


Positive messages home

A further way to share positive news with children is the use of the positive message home. This should be used at last once a day within classes. These refer to the school rules of RRS. These messages should be shared publicly and handed over to parents at the door. A phone call or dojo message can also be made to share great news with caregivers.

SLT recognition

Where a child has gone ‘over and above’ with their learning or by their actions, they can be taken to see a member of the SLT team. The child will receive a Head/Deputy Head Teacher’s award – a sticker and/or a post card home to parents. This is written personally by the member of SLT and posted home.

WoW Assembly

Star of the week

Weekly assemblies are held with the Head Teacher. Teachers are able to nominate a ‘Star of the week’. Teachers complete a star with a message about what the child has done. Children are presented with a certificate and  a coloured badge dependent on the STAR they are nominated for:

    • Red – Supportive  
    • Green – Team Player 
    • Yellow – Aspirational  
    • Blue – Resilient 
    • Gold – Successful

Children are able to earn all the colours and wear them with pride on their school uniform.

Weekly stars of the week are displayed on school dojo in order to develop positive home/school liaison.



Arboretum Way Ambassador

Every half term, teachers should nominate an Arboretum Way Ambassador. This child is someone who exemplifies the Arboretum Way and follows Ready, Respectful and Safe every day.

Parents are informed to attend a specific assembly. It is kept a secret from the child until the award in assembly.




Positive teacher-pupil relationships

Positive teacher-pupil relationships are key to combatting unacceptable behaviour. The Arboretum Way is based on relational practice, where the teacher-pupil relationship is seen as crucial to the effectiveness of school behaviour. The school will focus heavily on forming positive relationships based on predictability, fairness and trust to allow teachers to understand their pupils and create a strong foundation from which behavioural change can take place.


Preventative measures for pupils with SEND

Behaviour will always be considered in relation to a pupil’s SEND. If it is deemed that a pupil’s SEND has contributed to their misbehaviour, the school will consider whether it is appropriate and lawful to sanction the pupil.

Where a pupil is identified as having SEND, the graduated approach will be used to assess, plan, deliver and review the impact of support being provided.

The school will aim to anticipate likely triggers of misbehaviour and put in place support to prevent these (an ABC chart is used to track behaviours and identify patterns), 

taking into account the specific circumstances and requirements of the pupil concerned.


Measures the school will implement where appropriate include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Short, planned movement breaks for a pupil whose SEND means they find it difficult to sit still for long
  • Ensuring a pupil with visual or hearing impairment is seated in sight of the teacher
  • Adjusting uniform requirements for a pupil with sensory issues or relevant medical condition
  • Training for staff in understanding autism and other special needs.

Specific documentation regarding behaviour and SEND is used, such as a risk assessment to consider harmful physical behaviour. From this a behaviour action plan is drawn up to support the child.

De-escalation strategies

Where negative behaviour is present, staff members will implement de-escalation strategies to diffuse the situation. This will include:

  • Appearing calm and using a modulated, low tone of voice
  • Using simple, direct language.
  • Avoiding being defensive, e.g. if comments or insults are directed at the staff member.
  • Providing adequate personal space and not blocking a pupil’s escape route.
  • Showing open, accepting body language, e.g. not standing with their arms crossed.
  • Reassuring the pupil and creating an outcome goal.
  • Identifying any points of agreement to build a rapport.
  • Offering the pupil a face-saving route out of confrontation, e.g. that if they stop the behaviour, then the consequences will be lessened.
  • Rephrasing requests made up of negative words with positive phrases, e.g. “if you don’t return to your seat, I won’t help you with your work” becomes “When you return to your seat, I can help you with your work”.


Physical intervention

In line with the school’s Physical Intervention Policy, trained members of staff will have the legal right to use reasonable force to prevent pupils from committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging school property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom.

Physical restraint will only be used as a last resort and as a method of restraint. Staff members will use their professional judgement of the incident to decide whether physical intervention is necessary. The situations in which physical restraint may be appropriate are detailed in the Physical Intervention Policy. Wherever possible, staff will ensure that a second member of staff is present to witness the physical intervention used.

After an instance of physical intervention, the pupil will be immediately taken to the headteacher, and the pupil’s parent will be contacted. Where appropriate, the headteacher may decide to temporarily remove the pupil from the school via a suspension, in line with the DfE’s guidance on ‘Suspension and Permanent Exclusion’. Where suspension is carried out, the pupil’s parent will be asked to collect the pupil and take them home for the rest of the day – pupils will not be sent home without the school contacting their parent.

Any violent or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated by the school and may result in a fixed-term exclusion in the first instance. It is at the discretion of the headteacher as to what behaviour constitutes for an exclusion, in line with the Suspension and Exclusion Policy.

When using reasonable force in response to risks presented by incidents involving pupils with SEND or medical conditions, staff will recognise and consider the vulnerability of these groups.


8. Sexual abuse and harassment

The school will prohibit all forms of sexual abuse and harassment, including sexual harassment, gender-based bullying and sexual violence. The school’s procedures for handling child-on-child sexual abuse and harassment are detailed in the Child-on-child Abuse Policy.


9. Smoking and controlled substances

The school will follow the procedures outlined in its Smoke-free Policy and Pupil Drug and Alcohol Policy when managing behaviour in regard to smoking and nicotine products, legal and illegal drugs, and alcohol.


10. Prohibited items, searching pupils and confiscation

Headteachers and staff authorised by them will have a statutory power to search pupils or their possessions, without consent, where they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that the pupil may have a prohibited item.


11. Behaviour outside school premises


Pupils at the school must agree to represent the school in a positive manner. The guidance laid out in the Pupil Code of Conduct will apply both inside school and out in the wider community, particularly if the pupil is dressed in school uniform.

Staff can discipline pupils for misbehaviour outside of the school premises, including conduct online. Staff may also discipline pupils for misbehaviour outside the school premises, including conduct online, that:

  • Could negatively affect the reputation of the school.
  • Could pose a threat to another pupil, a member of staff at the school, or a member of the public.
  • Could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school.

Any bullying witnessed outside of the school premises and reported to the school will be dealt with in accordance with the Anti-bullying Policy.

Complaints from members of the public about the behaviour of pupils from the school are taken very seriously and will be dealt with in accordance with the Complaints Procedures Policy.


Data collection and behaviour evaluation

The school will collect data from the following sources:

  • Behaviour incident data, including on removal from the classroom
  • Attendance, permanent exclusion and suspension data
  • Use of pupil support units, off-site directions and managed moves
  • Incidents of searching, screening and confiscation
  • Anonymous surveys for staff, pupils, governors, and other stakeholders on their perceptions and experiences of the school behaviour culture

The data will be monitored and objectively analysed termly by the headteacher and the SLT. Attempts will be made to identify possible factors contributing to the behaviour, any system problems or inadequacies with existing support. The data will also be analysed considering the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 to inform school policies and practice.



Monitoring and review

This policy will be reviewed by the headteacher, behaviour lead and mental health lead on an annual basis; they will make any necessary changes and communicate these to all members of staff and relevant stakeholders.


