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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Policy

Special Educational Needs

and Disabilities policy


At Arboretum Primary School we are exceptionally proud of all our children and value the abilities and achievements of all pupils. We ensure that all children have the right provision in school which is stimulating and appropriate for all. Arboretum understands that all children are unique and we celebrate all successes and are committed to provide each pupil with the resources for them to maximise their potential.


Our school is:

a safe, supportive stimulating learning environment;

a team of respectful, tolerant, open minded citizens;

a community where everyone aspires to be the very best they can be;

a community of resilient lifelong learners;

a centre of excellence where all achieve success.



At Arboretum, we recognise that many children have a range of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and may have different starting points. We ensure that those children have suitable, supportive, child-tailored provision in order for them to achieve individual targets and to progress.


Review date

February 2023

Reviewed By

N Linnecor

Next review

February 2024

Summary of changes


Changes to the planning of SEN Support- removed IEP’s and added the Derby Inclusion Toolkit process to the (8.4) Plan section   

Changed the Review section linking to the DIT (8.6)

Adding to the appendix: Flow diagram of SEND including DITs (appendix 3) and the review sheet for DITs including child and parent comments (appendix 2)


Approved By:


Head Teacher …………………………………………….……………… Date …………………………….



Chair of Governors …………………………………………….……….. Date …………………………….








3.      ADMISSIONS  - 4 -

4.      INCLUSION   - 4 -


6.      IDENTIFICATION   - 4 -

6.1.      Early Identification  - 5 -

6.2.      Assessments  - 5 -


8.      SEND MONITOR   - 5 -

8.1        Quality First Teaching  - 5 -

8.2        SEND Support - 6 -

8.3        Assess  - 6 -

8.4        Plan  - 6 -

8.5        Do  - 7 -

8.6        Review   - 7 -


9.1        Education, Health and Care Plans  - 8 -

9.2        SEND provision  - 8 -

9.3.      Facilities and equipment - 8 -



12.        STAFFING   - 9 -

13.        THE ROLE OF THE SENCO   - 9 -


15.        THE ROLE OF THE CLASS TEACHER   - 10 -

16.        THE ROLE OF THE HEAD TEACHER   - 10 -

17.        SEND TRAINING   - 11 -



20.        COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE  - 12 -


22.        SEND POLICY REVIEW   - 13 -

Appendix 1  - 14 -

Appendix 2  - 15 -

Appendix 3  - 17 -



•           To ensure that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum

•           To provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to the individual’s needs and ability

•           To ensure the identification of all pupils requiring SEND provision as early as possible in their school career

•           To ensure that SEND pupils take as full a part as possible in all school activities

•           To ensure that parents of SEND pupils are kept fully informed of their child’s progress and attainment

•           To create an environment where pupils can contribute to their own learning, where they feel safe and listened to.

•           To work towards inclusion in partnership with other agencies

•           To achieve a level of staff expertise to meet pupil need

•           To ensure that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, including having access to extra curriculum activities. Pupils with SEND are actively encouraged to participate in a number of activities aimed to improve gross motor, physical and social development alongside extra learning opportunities. We offer clubs to support with physical development, social skills and to support communication/ cognition and learning.  


The policy was developed by the SENCo in collaboration with the Senior Management Team and in consultation with all staff and Governors.


The aims of Arboretum Primary School are guided by the Special Educational Needs and

Disability Code of Practice 0-25 and link with those values derived from the local Education





Definitions of Special Educational Needs taken from section 20 of the Children and Families Act 2014.


A child has special educational needs if he or she has learning difficulties that call for special educational provision to be made.


A child has learning difficulties if he or she:

•           Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age.

•           Has a disability which prevents or hinders the child from making use of educational facilities of a kind provided for children of the same age in other schools within the Local Authority.     


Special education provision means:

•           Educational provision which is additional to, or different from, the educational provision made generally for children of the same age in maintained schools (other than special schools) in the area.


Children must not be regarded as having learning difficulties solely because their language is different from that in which they are taught.


Arboretum Primary School will have due regard for the Special Needs Code of Practice 2014 when carrying out our duties towards all pupils with special educational needs, and ensure that parents are notified when SEND provision is being made for their child.


At our school we provide support for children with a range of special educational needs.


Special educational needs could mean that a child has difficulties in:

•           Communication and Interaction - In expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying

•           Cognition and Learning - In acquiring basic skills in school

•           Social and Emotional Mental Health - Making friends or relating to adults or behaving properly in school

•           Sensory and/or Physical - Such as hearing or visual impairment, which might affect them in school, medical or health condition which may slow down a child’s progress and/or involves treatment that affects his or her education.


Children make progress at different rates and have different ways they learn best. Teachers take account of this when they plan teaching and learning activities. Children making slower progress or having particular difficulties in one area may be given extra help/support or different lessons to help them succeed.



The admission arrangements for ALL pupils are in accordance with national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010.  This includes children with any level of SEND; those with Education, Health and Care Plans and those without.

In common with other maintained schools, the Local Authority (Derby City Council) administers admissions into the school.



This policy builds on our School Inclusion Policy, which recognises the entitlement of all pupils to a balanced, broadly based curriculum. Our SEND policy reinforces the need for teaching that is fully inclusive. The Governing Body will ensure that appropriate provision will be made for all pupils with SEND.



The SENCo, SLT and Governing Body ensures that resources are allocated to support appropriate provision for all pupils, within budget constraints. The budget is regularly reviewed and the school ensures all money for SEND pupils is allocated accordingly.



At Arboretum Primary School we have adopted a whole- school approach to SEND policy and practice.  All staff are committed to the principles and aims of this policy.  Pupils identified as having SEND are, as far as is practicable, fully integrated into mainstream classes. Every effort is made to ensure that they have full access to the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and are integrated into all aspects of the school. Where this is not appropriate for the child, the SENCo will meet with teaching staff and parents to discuss alternative provision which as a school we offer.


7.All teachers are responsible for identifying pupils with SEND and, in collaboration with the SENCo, will ensure that those pupils requiring different or additional support are identified at an early stage. Assessment is the process by which pupils with SEND can be identified. Whether or not a pupil is making progress is seen as a significant factor in considering the need for SEND provision.           

6.1_Early Identification

Early identification of pupils with SEND is a priority. The school will use appropriate screening and assessment tools, and ascertain pupil progress through:

• Evidence obtained by teacher observations/ assessments

• Evidence from EYFS baseline assessment using the EYFS profile assessments such as “Development matters” and/or “Birth to Five”

• Their performance in National Curriculum subjects judged against assessment requirements

• Pupil progress in relation to the National Curriculum objectives in English and Maths

• Use of Speech and/or Language Link to help inform and assess speech and language

• Outside Agencies- advice may be sought if more accurate assessments are required within an area of need



Assessments made will be through:

• RWI assessments every 6-8 weeks

• Reports and observations from teachers and teaching assistants

• Records from feeder schools, baseline assessments etc.

• Information from parents/ carers

• EYFS profile/ foundation stage assessments

• National curriculum results from KS1 SATs and other tests

• Target setting

• Formative assessments

• Pupil tracking (FFT)

• Use of the Brackenfield Model, when applicable, to track small steps made by pupils

• Year 4 times table test



The school adopts the levels of intervention as described in the SEND Code of Practice. 

The Code of Practice advocates a graduated response to meeting pupils’ needs. 



Any pupils who are falling outside of the range of expected academic progress will be monitored and assessments will be made as described above to determine if further intervention is required.



8.1_Quality First Teaching

• The class teacher will take steps to further differentiate the learning to better support the pupil. This may require an adjustment in the style of teaching adopted with that pupil.

• The SENCo will be informed and consulted to provide support and advice.

• Parents will be fully informed so they can share information and knowledge with the school to help better understand the needs of the child.

• The child is recorded as being monitored; this does not mean they will automatically be placed on the SEND register.


8.2_SEND Support

Where it is determined that a pupil does have SEND, parents will be formally advised of this and the decision to add the pupil to the SEND register is made.  The aim of formally identifying a pupil with SEND is to help school ensure that effective provision is put in place and so remove any barriers to learning. A flowchart detailing the SEND support process is attached, see Appendix 3. 


There are two levels of SEND support; targeted support and specialist support. Targeted support is initiated when a child or young person has received quality first teaching (QFT) but has not made expected progress and requires additional support in school. The adaptations and additions that are made as part of targeted support are internal to the school. If targeted support is not sufficient to meet the child or young person’s needs they will require specialist support involving external agencies.


All levels of support consist of a four part process.





This is an ongoing cycle to enable the provision to be refined and revised as the understanding of the needs of the pupil grows.  This cycle enables identification of those interventions which are most effective in supporting the pupil to achieve good levels of progress and outcomes.


Looked after children who are identified with SEND will follow the procedure as above (Assess, plan, Do, Review), social care and foster carers will be invited to the meeting. 



This involves clearly analysing the pupil’s need using the class teachers’ assessment and experience of working with the pupil, details of previous progress and attainment, comparisons with peers and national data, as well as the views and experience of the parents.  Advice from external support services and staff will be sought if appropriate and with the agreement of the parents.



Planning will involve consultation between the teacher, SENCo and parents to agree the adjustments, interventions and support that are required; the impact on progress, development and/ or behaviour that is expected and a clear date for review.  Parental involvement may be sought, where appropriate, to reinforce or contribute to progress at home.  This plan with be recorded using the Derby Inclusion Toolkit.


Provision Maps provide an overview of the interventions and support in each year group. All SEND pupils should have a Derby Inclusion Toolkit. These contain information on:

  • Short term (S.M.A.R.T.) outcomes for learning against the child’s primary areas of need
  • Teaching strategies
  • Provision made
  • A graph showing how your child’s needs are met against the school readiness



The class teacher remains responsible for working with the child on a day to day basis.  They will retain responsibility even where the interventions may involve group or one to one teaching away from the main class teacher.  They will work closely with teaching assistants to plan and assess the impact of support and interventions and ensure links with classroom teaching.  The SENCo will support with further assessment of the pupils strengths and areas of need.



Reviews of a child’s progress will be made regularly.  The review process will evaluate the impact and quality of the support and interventions.  It will also take account of the views of the pupil and their parents which will be recorded on the review sheet where applicable (see appendix 2).  The class teacher, in conjunction with the SENCo, will revise the support outcomes and based upon the pupils progress and development make any necessary amendments going forward, in consultation with parents and pupils. A review document will be completed by class teachers during the review and shared with parents/carers (see appendix 2).


Meetings are held every term (or when needed) between the SENCo and each class teacher in order to review this process for each individual child.



If a child has lifelong or significant difficulties they may undergo an Education, Health, Care Needs Assessment which may be requested by the school, parent, health or social care.  This will occur where the complexity of need or lack of clarity around the need of the child are such that a multi-agency approach to assessing that need, to planning the provision and identifying resources is required.


The decision to make a referral for an Education, Health and Care plan will be taken at a progress review. 


The application for an Education, Health and Care Plan will combine information from a variety of sources including:


• Parents

• Teachers


• Specialist Teachers

• Educational Psychologists

• Social Care

• Speech and language therapists

• Health Professionals


Information will be gathered relating to the current provision provided, action that has been taken, and the preliminary outcomes of targets set.  A decision will be made by a group of people co-ordinated by Derby City Council (including professionals from education, health and social care) about whether or not the child is eligible for an EHC Plan.  Parents have the right to appeal against a decision made by the Education, Health and Care panel.


Further information about EHC Plans can be found via the Derby City Website


9.1-Education, Health and Care Plans


a) Following statutory assessment, an EHC Plan may be provided by Derby City Council, if it is decided the child’s needs are not being met at the universal support level.  The school and the child’s parents will be involved developing and producing the plan. Parents have the right to appeal against a decision not to issue an EHC Plan.

b) Parents have the right to appeal against the content of the EHC Plan.  They may also appeal against the school named in the plan if it differs from their preferred choice.

c) Once the EHC Plan has been completed and agreed, it will be kept as part of the pupil’s formal record and reviewed at least annually by staff, parents, professionals external to the school, representatives from the Local Authority and the pupil.  The annual review enables provision for the pupil to be evaluated and, where appropriate, for changes to be put in place, for example, reducing or increasing the levels of support.


A flowchart detailing the EHCP process is attached, see Appendix1.


9.2-SEND provision

On entry to the school each child’s attainment will be assessed. This will help to inform the school of a child’s aptitudes, abilities, and attainments. The records provided help the school to design appropriate differentiated learning programmes. For pupils with identified SEND the SENCo/Class teacher will use the records to:

• Provide starting points for an appropriate curriculum

• Identify the need for support within the class

• Assess learning difficulties

• Ensure on-going observations/assessments provide regular feedback on achievements/ experiences, for planning next steps in learning

• Involve parents in a joint home-school learning approach


Our SEND policy and provision reinforces the need for teaching that is fully inclusive for pupils.


Although Arboretum is not an enhanced resource school and we do not have an official specialist unit, we do offer, for specific children the opportunity to access our Orchard provision. Within The Orchard, we have 2 classes supported by qualified, well-trained teachers and support staff who provide catered teaching opportunities and interventions for pupils with EHCPs. Our environment is well-tailored for pupils and we ensure spaces are accessible for all with special needs for example wide corridors, sounds systems in classrooms, accessible toilets and a sensory room.


​​​​​​​9.3_Facilities and equipment


Being a modern school, the buildings, access and facilities are of a very high standard. The

SENCo produces an Action Plan on a yearly basis. This will set out and prioritise needs, in terms of development of training, equipment and provision. The school has regard to the Disability Discrimination Act.


Arboretum Primary school has a sensory room which is accessible for all pupils containing fibrotic lights, a bubble tube and additional sensory resources. Additionally, all classrooms have access to their own laptops and tablets which are used for additional interventions and to provide new learning opportunities.

Arboretum Primary school is lucky to have large grounds with plenty of outdoor learning spaces including a Forest School Area and Outdoor Learning Hut. We also have a trim-trail for KS1/LKS2 and a separate trim trail for UKS2. Moving forward, there will be a purpose built outdoor area for The Orchard provision.



Progress is the crucial factor in determining the need for additional support. Adequate progress is that which:


• Narrows the attainment gap between pupil and peers

• Prevents the attainment gap widening

• Is equivalent to that of peers starting from the same baseline but less than the majority of peers

• Equals or improves upon the pupil’s previous rate of progress

• Ensures full curricular access

• Shows an improvement in self-help and social or personal skills

• Shows improvements in the pupil’s behaviour



For those pupils whose first language is not English, teachers will closely follow their progress across the curriculum to ascertain whether any problems arise from uncertain command of English or from special educational needs. It will be necessary to assess their proficiency in English before planning any additional support that might be required.



The SEND team of the school is:

Head Teacher: Mr Nigel Daintith

SENCo:           Mrs Natalie Linnecor 

Contact number: 013332 291140

Email address:

Governor: Mrs Parveen Ali

Learning Mentor: Mrs Ros Nisha



The SENCo plays a crucial role in the school’s SEN provision. This involves working with the Head Teacher and Governing Body to determine the strategic development of the policy. Other responsibilities include:

• Overseeing the day-to-day operation of the policy

• Co-ordinating the provision for pupils with SEND

• Liaising with and giving advice to fellow teachers

• Overseeing ‘Assess, plan, do, review’ meetings each term.

• Managing Learning Support Assistants (including SEN TAs)

• Overseeing pupils’ records

• Liaising with parents

• Making a contribution to INSET and other professional development opportunities

• Liaising with external agencies, LA support services, Health and Social Services and Voluntary bodies.


For effective co-ordination staff must be aware of:

• The roles of the participants

• The procedures to be followed

• The responsibility all teachers have in making provision for SEND pupils

• The commitment required by staff to keep the SENCo well informed about pupils’ progress

• Mechanisms that exist to allow teachers access to information about SEND pupils


Additionally, parents must be given clear guidance to the means by which they can contribute to provision and how they can provide additional information when and if required.



The Governing Body’s responsibilities to pupils with SEND include:

• Ensuring that provision of a high standard is made for SEND pupils

• Ensuring that SEND pupils are fully involved in school activities

• Having regard to the Code of Practice when carrying out these responsibilities

• Being fully involved in developing and subsequently reviewing SEND policy



The Code of Practice clearly acknowledges the importance allocated to the teacher, whose responsibilities include:


• Being aware of the school’s procedures for the identification and assessment of, and subsequent provision for, SEND pupils

• Collaborating with the SENCo to decide the action required to assist the pupil to progress

• Working with the SENCo to collect all available information on the pupil

• In collaboration with the SENCo, develop suitable targets for SEND pupils. The extent of the SENCo’s involvement is at the discretion of the school.

• Working with SEND pupils on a daily basis to deliver their individual programmes

• Developing constructive relationships with parents

• Being involved in the development of the school’s SEND policy



The Head Teacher’s responsibilities include:

• The day-to-day management of all aspects of the school including the SEND provision

• Keeping the Governing Body well informed about SEND within the school

• Working closely with the SENCo/SEND team

• Informing parents of the fact that SEND provision has been made for their child

• Ensuring that the school has clear and flexible strategies for working with parents, and that these strategies encourage involvement in their child’s education



All staff are encouraged to attend courses that help them to acquire the skills needed to work with SEND pupils, the majority of courses and training events are then shared with others around school. Training can be delivered within school to all staff or specific phases/ adults where necessary. All staff members are trained within an area of Special Needs at least termly with additional training events planned in throughout the year. Staff drop in sessions are held at least once a month which target specific interventions and strategies to use, such as Colourful Semantics, Lego therapy, Attention Autism and Zones of Regulation. Where necessary, external agencies are brought into school to deliver specific training to staff with the most recent event being a whole school inset day focusing on differentiation, specific learning difficulties and emotional resilience and well-being. We ensure training is up-to-date and relevant to staff. Staff have the opportunity to request training in specific areas which is taken into account when planning professional development opportunities for the year.



Arboretum Primary School firmly believes in developing a strong partnership with parents and that this will enable children and young people with SEND to achieve their full potential.  The school recognises that parents have a unique overview of the child’s needs, and that this gives them a key role in the partnership.


The school aims to work in partnership with parents and carers.

We do so by:

• Keeping parents and carers informed and giving support during assessment and any related decision-making process about SEND provision.

• Working effectively with all other agencies supporting children and their parents.

• Giving parents and carers opportunities to play an active and valued role in their child’s education.

• Making parents and carers feel welcome.

• Ensuring all parents and carers have appropriate communication aids and access arrangements.

• Providing all information in an accessible way.

• Encouraging parents and carers to inform school of any difficulties they perceive their child may be having or other needs the child may have which need addressing.

• Instilling confidence that the school will listen and act appropriately.

• Focusing on the child’s strengths as well as areas of additional need.

• Allowing parents and carers opportunities to discuss ways in which they and the school can help their child.

• Agreeing targets for the child.

• Making parents and carers aware of the Derby Educational Needs and Disability, Information, Advise and Support Service (SENDIASS) at:





The SEN Governor will meet at least annually with the SENCo and the governor will report annually on the success of the policy against the specific objectives which are given under ‘The SEND Aims of the School’ at the beginning of this policy.  The school adopts the Revise, Revisit, Refine and Refresh approach to ensure that the school is successfully meeting the needs of SEND pupils and parents as well as suitable training and supporting staff. 


Pupil progress will provide evidence for the success of the SEND policy and this will be analysed carefully through:

• Consideration of each pupil’s success in meeting targets when reviewed.

• Use of standardised tests – SATs, EYFS pupil profiles/baseline assessments

• School tracking systems.


In addition the school will publish an annual SEND Information report which can be viewed on the school website which details the key SEND information report.



Our school has a complaints policy. If you have a complaint, this should first be discussed with the class teacher who will listen to the issues and address them where appropriate. If you feel your complaint has not been resolved, please make an appointment with a member of the senior management team.

If you still want to complain please see our complaints policy which can be found on the school website:


The SEND Code of Practice outlines additional measures which the Local Authority must have in place to prevent and resolve disagreements. These will be explained to parents if required.




The school recognises the important contribution that external support services make in assisting to identify, assess, and provide for SEN pupils.  Derby City Councils Local Offer webpage is a good source of support and information about services locally that can be very helpful to families it will signpost you to other useful agencies and services.


When it is considered necessary, colleagues from the following support services will be involved with SEND pupils:

• Educational psychologists

• Medical officers

• Speech and Language therapists

• Physiotherapists

• Occupational therapists

• School Nurse



• Hearing impairment services

• Visual impairment services

• Physical impairment services

• ASD Specialist teachers


In addition, links are in place with the following organisations:

• The Local Authority

• Education Welfare Officer

• Social Services

• SENCos in other Derby schools



The school considers the SEND Policy document to be important and, in conjunction with the Governing Body, undertakes a thorough review of both policy and practice as identified in the School Improvement Plan.



Appendix 1

Flowchart to show the Education, Health & Care Plan Process.



Appendix 2

Pupil’s [change to pupil’s name] target planning and review document


Communication and interaction review

Strengths/ Needs/ Provision




Cognition and learning review

Strengths/ Needs/ Provision




Social, emotional and mental health review

Strengths/ Needs/ Provision




Physical and sensory review

Strengths/ Needs/ Provision




Independence review linking to home confidence 

Strengths/ Needs/ Provision





Parent/carer’s views









Child’s views (Where appropriate)


































Flowchart to show progression of SEND children


Appendix 3 Please refer to the attachment at the start of the policy.


