Health and Safety Policy
Our school is:
a safe, supportive stimulating learning environment;
a team of respectful, tolerant, open minded citizens;
a community where everyone aspires to be the very best they can be;
a community of resilient lifelong learners;
a centre of excellence where all achieve success.
Review Date | Feb 2023 |
Reviewed By | Clare Fryer |
Next Review | Feb 2024 |
Summary of changes
| Based on YMD Boon model H&S policy Section 5.8 Introduced Self declaration form for driving at work Added section 5.16 New & Expectant Mothers Section 5.17 OPAL dynamic risk assessments for play equipment Added section 5.20 Preventing Workplace Harassment and Violence Added section 7 In-House Catering and Food hygiene |
Approved By:
Head Teacher …………………………………………….……………… Date …………………………….
Chair of Governors …………………………………………….……….. Date …………………………….
1. Arboretum Primary School Health & Safety Policy Statement - 3 -
2. Organisation – Roles and Responsibilities - 4 -
2.1. Derby Diocesan Academies Trust /Arboretum Primary School Governing Body - 4 -
2.3. Senior Leadership Team - 5 -
2.4. School Business Manager - 5 -
2.9. School Health and Safety Representatives - 7 -
4. Organisation - Arrangements - 8 -
4.1. Setting health and safety objectives - 8 -
4.2. Provision of effective health and safety training - 8 -
4.3. Provision of an effective joint consultative process - 8 -
4.4. Establishing adequate health and safety communication channels - 9 -
4.5. Financial resources - 9 -
4.6. Specialist advice/support - 9 -
5. Organisation - Other local arrangements - 9 -
5.1. Accident and assaults - 9 -
5.3. Contractor management - 10 -
5.4. Control of hazardous substances - 10 -
5.5. Dealing with health and safety emergencies - procedures and contacts - 11 -
5.6. Health & Safety and Maintenance Reporting - 11 -
5.7. Display screen equipment (DSE) - 11 -
5.9. Electrical systems and equipment - 12 -
5.12. Administration of Medication - 13 -
5.13. Management of asbestos - 13 -
5.14. Moving and handling - 14 -
5.16. Outdoor Play Equipment - 15 -
5.17. Occupational health services and work-related stress - 16 -
5.18. Off-site visits including school-led adventure activities - 16 -
5.20. Statutory Inspections - 17 -
5.21. Preventing workplace harassment and violence - 17 -
5.22. Water hygiene management - 18 -
5.24. Working at height - 19 -
6. Workplace inspections - 19 -
7. Monitoring and review - 20 -
7.1. Active monitoring systems - 20 -
7.2. Reactive monitoring systems - 20 -
7.3. Reporting and response systems - 20 -
7.4. Investigation systems - 20 -
7.5. Third Party Monitoring/ Inspection - 21 -
Appendix 1 Arboretum Primary School Health & Safety arrangements - 22 -
Appendix 2 Competent Persons and Relevant Locations - 25 -
- Arboretum Primary School Health & Safety Policy Statement
As a responsible employer the Derby Diocesan Academies Trust working in partnership with the Governing Body of Arboretum Primary School will honour their legal obligations, in particular the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and associated regulations and codes of practice.
The Derby Diocesan Academies Trust and the Governing Body of Arboretum Primary School recognises and accepts its responsibilities and duties to conduct its operations in a manner which protects the health, safety and wellbeing of employees, pupils and visitors so far as is reasonably practicable.
In compliance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, risk assessments will be undertaken and arrangements will be made, where significant risks are identified, for any necessary preventative and protective measures to be put into place as far as is reasonably practicable using a sensible risk management approach.
To achieve these objectives the Derby Diocesan Academies Trust and the Governing Body of Arboretum Primary School will:
- Conduct all activities safely and in compliance with legislation and where possible, best practice.
- Provide safe working conditions and safe equipment.
- Ensure a systematic approach to the identification of risks and the allocation of resources to control them.
- Provide suitable information, instruction, training and supervision.
- Promote a positive health and safety culture that is demonstrated by open communication and a shared commitment to the importance of health, safety and wellbeing.
- Promote the principles of sensible risk management.
- Monitor, review and modify this policy and any arrangements as required.
All of Arboretum Primary School staff members have a duty to take reasonable care of themselves and others and to co-operate to ensure statutory duties and obligations are fulfilled.
2. Organisation – Roles and Responsibilities
2.1-Derby Diocesan Academies Trust /Arboretum Primary School Governing Body
The Derby Diocesan Academies Trust Board of Directors has overall responsibility as the employer to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation for schools which are part of the multi academy trust. To enable the Derby Diocesan Academies Trust to meet this requirement the Governing Body at Arboretum Primary School will manage day to day health and safety issues and ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of staff, pupils, visitors and contractors within school. To ensure a positive approach is taken to health and safety the Derby Diocesan Academies Trust and Governing Body at Arboretum Primary School will:
- determine the school's health and safety policy and its implementation
- allocate sufficient funds for health and safety
- establish clear lines of accountability for health and safety
- periodically assess the effectiveness of the policy and ensure that any necessary changes are made
- identify and evaluate risks relating to possible accidents and incidents connected with Arboretum Primary School
- provide access to competent health and safety advice (provider YMD Boon Ltd Health & Safety Service)
Without limiting the responsibility of the Derby Diocesan Academies Trust and Governors, the Headteacher will generally oversee the day-to-day management of safety and implementation of this policy within Arboretum Primary School.
The Headteacher will comply with Arboretum Primary School health and safety policy and in particular will:
- make him / herself familiar with any documentation and/or instruction referring to the health and safety arrangements for staff, building maintenance or operation of Arboretum Primary School and maintain and up to date file of policies and procedures
- work with trade unions and employee health and safety representatives and ensure that all employees are aware of and accountable for their specific health and safety responsibilities and duties
- in the event of any hazard or risk to health and safety of any persons under their control, take appropriate action to remove the hazard
- ensure health and safety policies, procedures, action plan and risk management programme is implemented as an integral part of business, operational planning and service delivery
- liaise with the Derby Diocesan Academies Trust and the School Governing Body
- undertake monitoring and ensure the provision of adequate resources to achieve compliance
- ensure that local procedures for the selection and monitoring of contractors are in place
- take appropriate action under the Disciplinary Procedures against anyone under their control found not complying with health and safety policies and/or procedures
- ensure the academy has access to competent health and safety advice
In addition to their statutory duties, the Headteacher and teachers have a common law duty of care for pupils which stems from their position in law “in loco parentis”.
2.3-Senior Leadership Team
The leadership team at Arboretum Primary School will undertake general responsibility to ensure that all necessary health and safety activities, requirements and standards are undertaken and met within their respective areas of control.
This will be done under the direction of the Headteacher. Any member of staff with supervisory responsibilities will:-
- make themselves familiar with and conform to this policy, including any instructions and requirements for safe methods of work
- identify hazards, initiate risk assessments, record the significant findings and implement any necessary control measures
- check and document that the working environment is safe; equipment, products and materials are used safely; that health and safety procedures are effective and complied with and that any necessary remedial action is taken
- inform, instruct, train, supervise and communicate with staff and provide them with equipment, materials and clothing as is necessary to enable them to work safely; to complete the health and safety induction checklist for all new employees at the commencement of their employment
- report all accidents, incidents and near miss events, undertake an investigation into the cause and take appropriate remedial action to prevent recurrence
- be responsible for aspects of health and safety included in their job description
- organise risk assessments where significant risks are identified and ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, full implementation of any control measures
- ensure that all statutory registers and records are adequately kept
- ensure the reporting and investigation of all accidents, ensure all persons under their control are aware of the reporting procedure
2.4-School Business Manager
The School Business Manager will assist the Headteacher and Diocese of Derby Academies Trust/School Governing Body to fulfil its responsibilities by overseeing day to day Health and Safety issues are adhered to.
This will include:-
- ensuring the day to day operational requirements of the health and safety policy are implemented
- maintaining an up to date copy of the health and safety policy together with all associated documentation relevant to Arboretum Primary School
- notifying the Headteacher of any health and safety concerns and any financial implications identified by the Risk Assessment process
- being the focal point for reference on health, safety and wellbeing matters and to give advice or indicate source of advice
- point of liaison with and report directly to the Governors on all matters of Health and Safety
- ensuring the day to day implementation of this policy including the maintenance of appropriate Risk Assessments for School and off-site activities and seeking the approval of the Governors for meeting the financial implications of identified control measures
- ensuring that all certification and statutory inspections are kept up to date
- to ensure accidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses are investigated, complete and send RIDDOR notifications (F2508) to the enforcing authority
2.5-Site Manager
The Site Manager will ensure that regular proactive Health and Safety inspection/checks are undertaken to ensure the safety of staff, pupils and visitors.
This will include:-
- general responsibility for the application of the school’s health and safety policy to their own area of work, and are directly responsible to the Headteacher.
- to establish and maintain safe working procedures including (referring to relevant documents) arrangements for ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable, the absence of risks to health and safety in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances (e.g. chemicals, boiling water and sharp instruments).
- to carry out regular health and safety assessments of the activities for which they are responsible, and report to the Headteacher/Business Manager any defects, which need attention.
- to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the provision of sufficient information, instruction, training, supervision, to enable other employees and pupils to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety, as part of the schools health and safety training requirements.
- to ensure where appropriate, relevant advice and guidance on health and safety matters is sought.
- to advise the Headteacher/Business Manager on requirements for health and safety equipment and on additions or necessary improvement to plant, tools, equipment or machinery.
2.6-Classroom Teachers
The health and safety of pupils in classrooms is the responsibility of class teachers.
Class teachers are expected to:-
- check classroom area is safe
- check equipment used is safe before use
- ensure safe procedures are followed
- give clear instruction and warnings to pupils, as often as necessary
- report defects to the Headteacher
- avoid introducing personal items of equipment (electrical, mechanical) into school without authorisation from the Headteacher
- follow safe working procedures/risk assessments
2.7- All Staff
All staff, agency and peripatetic workers and contractors must comply with the school's health and safety policy and associated arrangements and, in addition to any specific responsibilities which may be delegated to them, in particular are required to:-
- take reasonable care for their own health and safety at work and of those who may be affected by their actions or by their omissions
- cooperate with their line manager and senior management to work safely,
- comply with health and safety instructions and information and undertake appropriate health and safety training as required
- not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and wellbeing
- report to their manager any health and safety concerns, hazardous condition or defect in the health and safety arrangements
- support Arboretum Primary School in embedding a positive safety culture that extends to pupils and any visitors to the site
2.8- Pupils
All pupils are expected to behave in a manner that reflects Arboretum Primary School standards of behaviour in particular are expected to:-
- take reasonable care for their own health and safety and of their peers, teachers, support staff and any other person that may be at the school
- cooperate with teaching and support staff and follow all health and safety instructions given
- not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and wellbeing
- report to a teacher or other member of school any health and safety concerns that they may have
2.9 School Health and Safety Representatives
The Governing Body and Headteacher recognise the role of Health and Safety representatives appointed by a recognised Trade Union. If there are no union appointed safety representatives the chair of the Resources Committee will act as the ‘champion’ for Health and Safety at Arboretum Primary School.
Union appointed Health and Safety representatives will be allowed:-
- to investigate accidents and potential hazards
- to investigate complaints by constituents about matters relating to health, safety and wellbeing
- to make representation to the employer about such matters arising from such complaint and such investigation and on general issues affecting health, safety and wellbeing in the workplace
- to carry out school inspection within directed time, but wherever practicable outside teaching time
- to represent constituents in consultation with enforcement agencies
- to receive information that inspectors are required to provide
3.Site Security
Arboretum Primary School has assessed the security of the site and has in place an intercom security system to control access onto the school grounds during the school day. All visitors on to site are required to sign in at reception and wear a visitor’s badge.
4.Organisation - Arrangements
The following arrangements will be adopted to ensure that the Diocese of Derby Academies Trust/Governing Body and the Headteacher fulfil their responsibilities and provide the foundation for securing the health and safety of employees, and all users of the site.
4.1-Setting health and safety objectives
The Diocese of Derby Academies Trust/Governing Body and the Headteacher will specifically review progress of health and safety objectives at the termly meeting of the Governing Body. Where necessary health and safety improvements will be identified and included within the Arboretum Primary School Health and Safety management action plan.
4.2-Provision of effective health and safety training
Diocese of Derby Academies Trust/Governing Body and the Headteacher will consider health and safety training on an annual basis in line with Arboretum Primary School appraisal system for school staff.
4.3-Provision of an effective joint consultative process
Arboretum Primary School Resources Committee will meet at least once per term. The committee will ensure that Health and Safety concerns are considered and addressed within a clear action plan, with identified responsibilities and target dates. The committee membership will include Headteacher, Business Manager, School Health and Safety Advisor and 2 other Governors (as a minimum).
Establishing adequate health and safety communication channels
Communication channels will be established for the exchange of health and safety knowledge and information. Where necessary, these communications will be recorded and include:
- senior leadership team meetings and staff meetings
- school premises health and safety committee
- provision of information relating to safe systems of work and risk assessments
- training provided
- communications with relevant specialist advisors and bodies
Where health and safety issues cannot be resolved at local level, they will be escalated through the management structure as appropriate.
4.5.Financial resources
Diocese of Derby Academies Trust/Governing Body along with the Headteacher will review the Arboretum Primary School budget to determine, in the light of past performance, if adequate resources are being deployed to ensure adequate health and safety management and control.
4.6.Specialist advice/support
Arboretum Primary School will ensure that it has access to competent technical advice on health and safety matters to assist in meeting the Diocese of Derby Academies Trust/Governing Body objectives; this will be achieved by accessing the services of a competent Health and Safety Advisor though YMD Boon Ltd, Health and Safety Service, York House, Fernie Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire
5.Organisation - Other local arrangements
5.1.Accident and assaults
All accidents, assaults and near miss incidents will be reported in the accident book or agreed reporting form within 24 hours of occurrence; RIDDOR reportable incidents, as per the HSE's Information Sheet EDIS1 (rev3), will be reported to the HSE within the required timescale.
All incidents will be investigated in an attempt identify the root cause: relevant local policies, procedures and risk assessments will be reviewed and revised as required. All premises related issues will be addressed in a timely manner. Any relevant learning from investigations will be communicated to relevant staff, pupils etc.
Accident, assaults and near miss incidents will be monitored at least termly as part of the Recourses Committee; identification of significant trends or major incidents will be reviewed by the senior leadership team as required with information communicated to the governing body.
Pupil forms/records are retained for 24 years, employee forms for six years and forms relating to work related ill health for 6 years or longer (40 years where there has been potential exposure to radiation or asbestos; further guidance is obtained from YMD Boon Ltd Health and Safety Service).
Arboretum Primary School health and safety management will be audited by YMD Boon Ltd Health and Safety Service every two years. Arboretum Primary School reviews this process as a positive assessment of health and safety management system and takes appropriate action to continually improve health and safety across the school.
5.3.Contractor management
Arboretum Primary School will ensure that the highest levels of safety is achieved by all contractors on site Arboretum Primary School will ensure through, its agent, YMD Boon Ltd that:
- competent contractors are used
- clear specifications of works are drawn up by a competent person
- pre start meetings take place to discuss how works will be managed, responsibilities, codes of conduct and to assess new hazards that may be introduced to the site
- key contacts are identified
- regular update meetings take place throughout any works/projects
- works are visually monitored and any concerns immediately reported
- works are signed off and any associated certification and documentation is obtained
- all staff pupils and other users of site remain in a safe environment for the duration of the works.
5.4. Control of hazardous substances
Arboretum Primary School will ensure it complies with the HSE's approved code of practice 'Control of substances hazardous to health' (L5) relating to the management and control of hazardous substances on site.
Arboretum Primary School will ensure:
- an inventory of all hazardous substances on site is kept and updated regularly
- wherever possible non-hazardous substances are used and if this is not possible the least harmful substance is used
- a COSHH risk assessment will be completed for all hazardous substances used and shared with relevant staff
- wherever possible exposure to hazardous substances is prevented, where exposure cannot be prevented, a risk assessment will be carried out and controls measures implemented
- where identified as part of the risk assessment, appropriate PPE will be provided to staff
- any need for exposure monitoring or health surveillance will be carried out
- sufficient information, instruction and training is given to staff to ensure full understanding of the hazards to health posed by substances in the workplace, and the importance of control measures provided
- training records are maintained for those who receive training
- information will also be given to others who may be affected, such as contractors, temporary staff and visitors
- only substances purchased through the schools procurement systems can be used on site
- substances are stored correctly and those that are no longer used disposed of properly
- COSHH risk assessments are monitored regularly and reviewed annually
5.5.Dealing with health and safety emergencies - procedures and contacts
As per legal requirements all dangerous occurrences and near miss incidents that are RIDDOR reportable incidents, will be reported to the HSE within the required timescale.
All incidents will be investigated in an attempt identify the root cause: relevant local policies, procedures and risk assessments will be reviewed and revised as required. All premises related issues will be addressed in a timely manner. Any relevant learning from investigations will be communicated to relevant staff, pupils etc.
In the event of a Bomb threat Arboretum Primary School will undertake an emergency evacuation of the school. The fire alarm will not be sounded in these circumstances, but the Headteacher will coordinate a fluid escape of all persons from the school with the assistance of staff. Any suspicious objects will be reported to the Headteacher, but under no circumstances will they be touched or moved. When the school is evacuated the Police will be contacted immediately.
5.6.Health & Safety and Maintenance Reporting
Arboretum Primary School has a defect reporting procedure whereby any damage or defect to the premises or equipment and furnishings is reported to the Head Teacher/Business Manager. Defective equipment is isolated and labelled as defective to prevent use until replaced or repaired. Where premises defects are identified a dynamic assessment is carried out to decide whether an area should be isolated or cordoned off whilst awaiting repair.
5.7.Display screen equipment (DSE)
Arboretum Primary School acknowledges that staff that ‘habitually’ uses DSE should have suitable equipment for which to undertake the tasks that they are required to carry out, knows how to safely use the equipment and have a DSE assessment which is reviewed at suitable intervals.
Arboretum Primary School will ensure that:
- all static workstations used by staff meet the minimum standards required
- equipment is maintained in good working condition
- staff are aware of best practice in using DSE and issued with relevant information
- staff whose roles require significant use of DSE are prioritised for individual assessment
- assessments are reviewed at least bi-annually, earlier if there are significant changes to equipment/layout individual health
- a trained DSE assessor is available
All staff that drive their own cars for work purposes must have a full UK driving licence, business insurance and maintain their vehicle in a road worthy condition. Staff complete self-declaration forms to confirm this.
Where staff are required to drive a mini bus as part of their duties, Arboretum Primary School will ensure they hold the correct classification on their driving license, meet specific driving criteria, and will be provided with formal driver training.
For staff that transport pupils either in academy or their own transport, licence checks will be completed annually by the School Business Manager.
Risk assessments will be documented for all situations where pupils are transported off site either as part of the off-site visit or separately as necessary.
5.9.Electrical systems and equipment
Arboretum Primary School maintains and services electrical systems and equipment in line with statutory guidance and best practice. Electrical systems (hard wiring) is periodically inspected every 5 years by a competent contractor and records maintained; any remedial works recommended are acted upon in a timely manner.
Portable electric appliances have a portable appliance test (PAT) carried out, in line with HSE guidance 'Maintaining portable electrical equipment in offices and other low environments' (INDG236), by a competent contractor with records maintained.
Staff are instructed to undertake a visual inspection of equipment prior to use and not to use any equipment that appears damaged or defective. Arboretum Primary School defect reporting procedure is followed as required.
5.11.Fire safety
Arboretum Primary School is committed to providing a safe environment for both staff and pupils.
Arboretum Primary School manages the risk of fire by ensuring:
- a comprehensive fire risk assessment is in place, reviewed annually and any actions/improvements identified are progressed given consideration to risk and cost
- a detailed fire and emergency plan has been developed that clearly details actions to be taken when a fire is identified or suspected, individual responsibilities and arrangements for safe evacuation
- statutory inspections are carried out on all fire related systems and equipment either by competent contractors or in house by trained staff
- all staff receive fire awareness training that is regularly updated and fire marshals receive role specific instruction
- a fire drill is undertaken at least termly to practice evacuation arrangements and ensure working as expected.
Adequate first aid arrangements are assessed and maintained at the school and for all activities that the school leads.
Arboretum Primary School will ensure that:
- the number of first aiders meets recommendations and adequate cover is available to cover for annual leave and unexpected absences
- all first aiders hold a valid certificate of competence, Arboretum Primary School maintains a register of all qualified staff and will arrange re-training as necessary
- first aid notices are clearly displayed around the school
- sufficient numbers of suitably stocked first aid boxes are available and checked regularly to ensure they are adequately stocked
- a suitable area is available for provision of first aid
- staff are regularly informed of first aid arrangements within school, through induction, teacher training days and the staff handbook which is issued annually
- where first aid has been administered this is recorded in the first aid treatment book
- correct reporting procedures are followed
5.12.Administration of Medication
- Arboretum Primary School will ensure that it complies with the Department for Education Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions September 2014. A school medication policy and management procedure is in place which details all the local arrangements.
- All staff who undertake assistance with the administration of medication do so on a voluntary basis. Where training is required to administer medication, appropriate training will be provided for staff.
- All medication must be clearly labelled with pupil details and, where necessary, kept in secure safe place.
- All medication administered to pupils will be fully recorded using the Department for Education Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions templates.
5.13.Management of asbestos
Arboretum Primary School will ensure that it complies with the HSE's approved code of practice L143 Managing and working with asbestos Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Approved Code of Practice and guidance. Arboretum Primary School is committed to preventing exposure to asbestos fibres to all persons that enter onto its premises. Arboretum Primary School has a whole site asbestos management survey from which a Local Asbestos Management Plan (LAMP) has been developed.
An annual visual inspection of all identified asbestos containing materials (ACMs) that are not encapsulated or in restricted access areas are undertaken and documented. Any concern relating to known or suspected ACMs are addressed as per the procedures detailed in the Arboretum Primary School LAMP. Where necessary more frequent checks of ACMs are undertaken.
Prior to any works that will or has the potential to alter the fabric of the building; a refurbishment and demolition survey will be procured in order to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the materials being disturbed prior to any works commencing.
5.14.Moving and handling
Arboretum Primary School will ensure that it complies with the HSE's approved code of practice 'Manual handling. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended). Guidance on Regulations (L23).
Within Arboretum Primary School there are a variety of moving and handling tasks that may be necessary; this could range from moving files to assisting an individual with mobility issues. Arboretum Primary School manages the risk associated with moving and handling tasks by ensuring that:
- moving and handling is avoided whenever possible
- if it cannot be avoided, moving and handling is properly planned, has a relevant risk assessment, is carried out by competent staff and carried out in a manner which is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe
- those undertaking specific moving and handling tasks have received appropriate training and training records are maintained
- any equipment provided to assist with moving and handling tasks is maintained and serviced in accordance with statutory requirements
- any defective equipment is taken out of use until repaired or is replaced
- an individual risk assessment will be completed for all new or expectant mothers and staff with identified medical conditions that may be affected by undertaking moving and handling tasks, these may result in some moving and handling task being restricted
- any accidents resulting from manual handling operations will be investigated to identify root causes and implement additional controls as required
Arboretum Primary School will ensure that it complies with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Wellbeing) Regulations 1992 in existing buildings and Document N of the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended) which covers new buildings. All glazing at Arboretum Primary School will meet the regulations and conform with EN12600.
Arboretum Primary School will manage the risks associated with glazing safety by ensuring that:-
- having in place an up to date glazing audit conducted by a competent person
- having a glazing safety risk assessment
- any glazing conforms to the relevant standards and risk codes
5.15.New and Expectant Mothers
The Academy recognises that the general precautions taken to protect the health and safety of the staff and visitors as a whole may not in all cases protect new and expectant mothers and there may be occasions when, due to their condition, different and/or additional measures will be necessary.
To implement effective measures for new and expectant mothers the Academy will ensure that:
- Employees are instructed at induction to inform their relevant manager of their condition at the earliest possible opportunity and that the highest level of confidentiality is maintained at all times.
- Risk assessments are carried out for all work activities undertaken by new and expectant mothers and associated records and documentation maintained.
- Necessary control measures and reasonable adjustments identified by the risk assessment are implemented, followed, monitored, regularly reviewed and, if necessary, revised.
- New and expectant mothers are informed of any risks to them and/or their child and the controls measures taken to protect them.
- Any adverse incidents are immediately reported and investigated.
- Appropriate training and support is provided where suitable alternative work is offered and accepted.
- Provision is made to support new and expectant mothers who need to take time off work for medical reasons associated with their condition.
- Where relevant a suitable rest area is provided to enable the new or expectant mother to rest in a degree of privacy and calm.
- Where risks cannot be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level then consideration will be given to adjusting working conditions and/or hours or if necessary, providing suitable alternative work or suspension with pay.
5.16.Outdoor Play Equipment
Arboretum Primary School will ensure all outdoor play equipment will conform to BS EN 1176 and BS EN 1177.
Arboretum Primary School will manage the risk associated with the play equipment by ensuring that:-
- pre use checks on outdoor play equipment will be undertaken by staff before equipment is used by pupils.
- the play team will conduct dynamic checks and rsik assessments on all equipment in line with OPAL guidelines
- an annual inspection/maintenance of the play equipment will be undertaken by RPII Inspector.
- an up to date risk assessment will be kept to ensure the equipment and pupil activities are appropriately supervised and remain safe.
5.17. Occupational health services and work-related stress
Arboretum Primary School acknowledges that there are many factors both work related and personal that may contribute to staff ill health including stress.
Arboretum Primary School will follow the principles of the HSE guidance 'Managing the causes of work-related stress' (HSG 218). The following arrangements are in place to locally manage staff health issues:
- employees are advised that it is their responsibility to inform their line manager, the Headteacher or another member of the senior leadership team of any ill health issues
- an appropriate senior member of staff will meet and discuss the ill health issues with the employee and consider what actions could be taken to support the staff member and where appropriate assist in reducing stress levels. An individual risk assessment will be undertaken taking in account the HSE Management standards. This assessment will then be reviewed with the member of staff to monitor progress
- the member of staff will be offered a referral to an occupational health professional for advice and support, e.g. counselling, etc.
- the member of staff will be advised that support can also be provided through their trade union
- a series of regular review meetings will be scheduled to monitor ill health and stress levels where they have been identified
- if it is identified that there is a high occurrence of staff ill health or stress within the school, the Headteacher will actively seek support to undertake a holistic assessment to identify what the possible root cause may be and implement a plan to improve the situation
5.17.Off-site visits including school-led adventure activities
Arboretum Primary School adopts the National Guidance of The Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel for the Management of Off-site visits and Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) activities. A Arboretum Primary School specific Educational Visits Procedure details local arrangements.
5.18.Preventing Workplace Harassment and Violence
Arboretum Primary School is committed to providing a safe and secure working and educational environment for staff, pupils, and any other persons on its site. Where applicable, in addition to the control measures identified in an individual pupil’s physical intervention the following procedures are in place:
Staff are advised to:
• Avoid confrontation if possible.
• Withdraw from situation if safe to do so to get support.
• Arrange seating so that a clear escape route from the room to a place of safety is available. Sit near the door or use a room with two doors.
• Follow measures/ procedures identified in violence/ assaults and lone working risk assessments.
• Contact emergency services, as appropriate.
• Inform the Headteacher or a member of the senior leadership team if confrontation has taken place
The Academy will:
• Ensure the Headteacher or member of the senior leadership team attend site on being informed of an incident, if considered necessary.
• Have in place procedures for the reporting of incidents.
• Offer counselling/ support through Occupational Health.
• Debrief individuals following any incident.
• Provision of training on how to manage conflict and aggression as required.
• Review specific risk assessment following any incident.
- Risk assessment
Risk assessments are undertaken for tasks/activities where significant hazards have been identified or where there is a foreseeable risk of injury/ill health. Arboretum Primary School risk assessment process follows the HSE Controlling Risk in the Workplace INDG163 (Rev 4) published 08/14.
Within Arboretum Primary School various members of staff are tasked with the development of risk assessments based on their knowledge, experience and competence. Staff who undertake risk assessments on behalf of the school will be trained in hazard/risk reduction techniques to ensure they fully understand the risk assessment process. Relevant staff are involved in the development of risk assessments prior to consultation with all staff to which they are relevant prior to sign off. Risk assessments are accessible to staff at all times via the risk assessment folder, located in the school office.
5.20. Statutory Inspections
Arboretum Primary School ensures that statutory inspections are undertaken at required intervals for all plant and equipment required. YMD Boon is engaged by Arboretum Primary School to manage statutory inspections and ensure that they are completed on time.
5.21.Preventing workplace harassment and violence
Arboretum Primary School is committed to providing a safe and secure working and educational environment for staff, pupils and any other persons on its site. Where applicable, in addition to the control measures identified in an individual pupil’s physical intervention plan or and lone working risk assessment, the following procedures are in place:
Staff are advised to:
- avoid confrontation if possible
- withdraw from situation
- arrange seating so that a clear escape route from the room to a place of safety is available. Sit near the door, or use a room with two doors
- follow measures/ procedures identified in violence and assaults risk assessment
- contact emergency services, as appropriate.
- inform the Headteacher or a member of the senior management team if confrontation has taken place
Arboretum Primary School will:
- ensure the Headteacher or member of the senior management team to attend site on being informed of an incident, if considered necessary
- have in place procedures for the reporting of incidents
- offer counselling/ support through Occupational Health
- debrief individuals following any incident
- provision of training on how to manage conflict and aggression as required
- review specific risk assessment following any incident
5.23.Water hygiene management
Arboretum Primary School will ensure it complies with the HSE approved code of practice 'Legionnaires' disease - The control of legionella bacteria in water systems' (L8).
Arboretum Primary School will:
- commission a bi-annual Legionella risk assessment and ensure actions identified are acted upon.
- commission a competent external contractor to undertake water sampling and routine cleaning and disinfection of water systems
- ensure the Site manager is suitably trained/competent to undertake monitoring/testing activities required by the Legionella risk assessment
- ensure regular flushing of outlets is completed by the site staff
- ensure the site staff undertake monthly monitoring of water systems including temperature readings
5.23. Working alone
Arboretum Primary School acknowledges that there will be times that some staff work either alone or in what is considered an isolated environment. To manage the risk to staff of working alone the following arrangements are in place:
- The premises and grounds have robust security systems in place to prevent unauthorised persons from gaining access to the site or premises
- Local arrangements are in place for staff who are working alone so that they have a regular monitoring visit/communication dependent on the situation.
- Staff advised to alert senior leadership team of any medical conditions that have the potential to increase the risks of working alone.
- Only tasks considered low risk will be undertaken when working alone.
- If lone working is required off site eg. Home visits, or as part of routine tasks e.g. opening and closing the buildings, specific risk assessments will be undertaken.
5.24.Working at height
Arboretum Primary School will follow the principles of the HSE guidance 'The Work at Height Regulations 2005 (as amended) A brief guide' (INDG40). Arboretum Primary School may use a variety of access equipment for working at height tasks, ranging from kick stools for short low risk access such as the putting up of a poster, step ladders and ladders for short duration works.
Arboretum Primary School will ensure that:
- work at height is avoided whenever possible
- if it cannot be avoided, work at height is properly planned, has a relevant risk assessment, is carried out by competent staff and carried out in a manner which is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe
- those undertaking work at height have received appropriate training and training records are maintained
- all access equipment (ladders & step ladders) is identified and inspected annually
- any equipment provided to assist with working at height tasks is maintained and serviced in accordance with statutory requirements
- any defective equipment is taken out of use until repaired or is replaced
- an individual risk assessment will be completed for all new or expectant mothers and staff with identified medical conditions that may be affected by undertaking working at height tasks, these may result in some working at height tasks being restricted
- any accidents resulting from working at height will be investigated to identify root causes and implement additional controls as required
6.Workplace inspections
Arboretum Primary School recognises the importance of undertaking regular formal workplace inspections to ensure that the premises remain a safe working and educational environment for staff and pupils. A formal annual workplace inspection is undertaken with findings documented and any actions allocated with remedial actions. This inspection is undertaken with the Health and Safety professional from YMD Boon Ltd. The annual inspection findings are reviewed with actions monitored at the Resources Committee. It is recognised that annual inspections alone will not keep a premises safe and there is an expectation that staff will report any defects/damage to premises and equipment as per the Arboretum Primary School defect reporting procedure.
- In-House Catering and Food hygiene
The Academy recognise the importance of maintaining a high standard of Food Safety and Hygiene within the kitchen along with the provision of nutritious food for pupils. The Academy manages this by ensuring:
• All staff who work in the academy kitchen must have attended a level 2 award in food safety in catering.
• Catering equipment is regularly maintained and inspected, and ventilation systems is inspected every 14 months and subject to a regular cleaning regime.
• A Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACPP) management system as identified in the Food safety and hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 is in place and documented.
• The Food Standards Agency safer food better business guidance is followed.
6.Monitoring and review
This Health and Safety Policy together with the associated procedures and health and safety audits, accident statistics will be reviewed by the Resources Committee on a regular basis (every year as a minimum), or as required.
In order to substantiate that health and safety standards are actually being achieved, Arboretum Primary School will measure performance against pre-determined plans and objectives. Any areas where the standards are not being met will require remedial action.
Arboretum Primary School will use different types of systems to measure health and safety performance:
7.1.Active monitoring systems
- spot checks and termly site inspections will be undertaken
- documents relating to the promotion of the health and safety culture will be regularly examined and reviewed
- appropriate statutory inspections on premises, plant and equipment will be undertaken
- where necessary, health surveillance and environmental monitoring systems will be implemented to check the effectiveness of health control methods and to detect early signs of harm to health
7.2.Reactive monitoring systems
- identifying where health and safety standards are not being met, by monitoring for failures in the systems - such as accidents, cases of ill health (work-related sickness), damage to property, etc
7.3.Reporting and response systems
- ensuring that monitoring information is received, having regard to situations which create an immediate risk to health or safety, as well as longer-term trends and ensuring remedial action is taken
- Resources Committee, Governing Body and Senior Leadership team will all receive and consider reports on health and safety performance.
7.4. Investigation systems
- prioritising investigation of incidents which indicate the greatest risk and the identification of both the immediate and the underlying causes of events
- analysing data to identify common features or trends and initiate improvements
- where cases of occupational ill-health are to be investigated
- where complaints relating to occupational health and safety are to be recorded and investigated
- where accidents/incidents and assaults with the potential to cause injury, ill-health or loss are to be reported, recorded and appropriately investigated
7.5.Third Party Monitoring/ Inspection
Arboretum Primary School will be subject to third party inspection and monitoring, as part of Ofsted requirements, HSE inspection regime, Fire Service Inspection regime etc. Actions arising from third party audit/inspection will be incorporated within the school/academy action plan with appropriate target dates for completion.
Appendix 1 Arboretum Primary School Health & Safety arrangements
Please refer to the attachment pdf at the start of the Policy to view further information and images.
Appendix 2 Competent Persons and Relevant Locations
Please refer to the attachment pdf at the start of the Policy to view further information and images.