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Arboretum Primary School

Reach for the Stars

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Governors' Statement

How do we recruit governors?


We recruit governors who have a wide range of skills, experience, commitment to young people and /or the enthusiasm to develop the skills needed to help us carry out these core responsibilities. It is not necessary to have educational experience as we provide extensive opportunities to train to develop the necessary expertise.


Having read below about our work, should you feel you would like to know more then please contact us thorough the school office. 


As governors our core strategic functions as expected by the DfE are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent


Key Priorities for the coming year

  • To maximise progress for all

  • Further improve student attendance to support progress

  • Raise levels of achievement in literacy and numeracy


What have we been focussing on over the last year?


The Standards Committee have been working with the school to:


  1. To support the challenge of raising standards

  2. To work with the school to ensure that performance data is available for vulnerable groups so that governors can monitor their progress and the effectiveness of pupil premium spending.


The Resources Committee have been working with the school to:


  1. To manage the potential changes to School Teachers Pay and Conditions

  2. Monitor the Performance Management process to ensure all staff have an objective linked to the school performance targets.

  3. To work with the school to ensure that all teaching is good or better.

  4. Ensure we are achieving Value for Money in our spending.

  5. Create a budget for long term ICT development in the school

  6. Track Pupil Premium spending.


What are we planning to focus on this year?




  1. To work with the school to improve standards in reading, wrting and maths. Looking for expected and better progress.

  2. To monitor the changes to the assessment of student progress to ensure governors receive details on the progress of vulnerable groups

  3. Work with the school to raise the % of good and outstanding teaching.

  4. To consider the implications of changes to the Headteacher standards and ensure that the Headteacher Performance Management reflects these changes

  5. To develop and strengthen support and provision for ECTs.

  6. To continue to develop excellent middle leadership through access to professional qualifications and training. 

  7. To ensure strong senior leadership of school through robust recruitment, selection and induction of new Head Teacher.

  8. To continue to strengthen role of Governance and Governors involvement in oversight and strategic decision making of the school.




  1. To ensure the continuation of the high standard of the premises and budget for the maintenance and replacement costs

  2. To ensure effective provision for the new class of children.

  3. To ensure value for money

  4. To ensure the school is well staffed following the leadership restructure

Constitution of Local Governing Body
