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RHE Letter to Parents 15.03.2021

Monday 15th March

Dear Parent and Carers,

Consultation of Relationships and Health Education Curriculum Policy and Resources

As you are aware, schools are expected to deliver the new Statutory content for Relationships and Health Education (RHE) during the summer term. An important part of the process is to provide an opportunity for parents to comment upon the scheme and resources.

In collaboration with local Derby City Schools, we have now completed the scheme of work and compiled the list of resources. To give parents a chance to see the materials before they are used, we will begin a consultation period with parents.

The consultation period will take place over the next two weeks. The policy and the materials will be available on our school website (link below) from Monday 15th March. Parents/Carers will have until Friday 26th March to view and comment upon these resources.

Current social distancing measures, and restrictions on public gatherings, mean that we cannot hold parent meetings until further notice. Therefore, we have created a video presentation to support the consultation process. The presentation will be on Class Dojo along with the policy and resources.

To feedback and comment on the resources, we invite you to fill out an electronic questionnaire on MS Forms (link below); again this link will be available to you via Class Dojo and the school website.

We value your thoughts and we look forward to hearing your views and opinions.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes


Nigel Daintith

Head Teacher

